the beginning of junior year

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i walked in with my hair tucked behind my ears. i was so nervous because i was wearing a skirt for the first time. dont worry nobody is going to look at you. you r invisble remember? i tried to convince myself as i found a seat near the back, a growing habit of mine to keep eyes away. the first class went by quickly, with the teacher talking our ears off. it was time for the class i had dreaded all summer- hike. hike standed for honors intro to killing erotica. the school had suffered from vandalism of property with pornographic material, and most of the kids masturbating in the stalls. they were trying to shut it down. but it wasnt because of the class i was scared, it was because of Abe. Abe was the one who made me jittery. i could never focus in class because of him. i hate him yet i could not stop loving him. whatever. time to walk in.

A/N- hey baddies ftom all around. its tine for the newest baddy high school wtatpadd to take over. make way!! enjoy as we narrate our lives plus our fantasies. xoxox

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