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After Lianna's party and the encounter with Pierre, we had gone out to eat fry's and drink shakes at the nearby dine in. He'd paid for me and then we'd stayed out in the dark parking lot eating our food. But it wasn't romantic, not in the slightest.

It was like I had finally found somebody I could leave my worries behind with and just talk to them. He made me feel safe, and I knew right then that we would be lifelong friends. I didn't even feel bad about Nico after hanging out with Pierre because I had lost something just to gain something a hundred times better. Plus... I think I only liked Nico because I was so desperately single... and he was available. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

Today was Halloween, so I had to take the kid i was babysitting, Derek, trick or treating. It's not like I had any plans, and I have a lot of fun with him- he is the sweetest little guy. I couldn't wear what I wore to the party so I wore a jacket and drew a skull on my face to the best of my ability. I scoop Derek up into my arms when I see him and twirl him around.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yes. I'm gonna get so much candy"

"Alright, then we better get going." Then I whispered, "they might give you extra candy just because you look so cute in that dinosaur costume" and he laughed. This is so much better than dealing with all that drama at school.

Derek and I walk down the street for at least fifty minutes before he asks to take a break. He had been dragging around a heavy pillowcase for a while now and he was bound to be starving. "Hungry?" I ask. He nodded. "Ok let's go get you some food little guy." We walk to my car and as I open the door for him, I see a familiar figure walking up to me.


"Nice to see you still trick or treat y/n"

"Oh shut up" I tried not to smile. "I'm here for the kid I'm babysitting"

"Derek, right?"

"How did you know that, you stalking me or something?" I teased.

"Nah it's not tha-" He was interrupted by Derek hugging- or rather pummeling- him.

"DEREK," I gasp.

"Nah it's fine," Abe smiles, "Derek's my little brother."


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