Hater tag

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It was already 5pm and Abe was picking me up for the arcade in one hour. I look around at the majestic mess I've made out of my bedroom by throwing half my closet onto the bed. Nothing seems right. I don't want to wear any of these. Wait. It's just Abe. I don't even care. Maybe I should just wear this? No don't be stupid, you're dressing up for yourself not him.

Surprisingly, I hear the doorbell ring promptly at 6pm. I fuss with my hair for a second in the mirror, then grab my purse and open the door. Shit. Abe actually looks fine. Don't get me wrong, he always looks good. But usually in a homeless skater boy ghetto way. Now he looks good in a weird rich mafia gangster way, as weird as that may sound. All these stupid romance novels are getting to me god. "Mhmmm," Abe clears his throat as he stares at me with an annoying smirk. Annoying is one word for it. Wait... shit was I staring??

"Oh uh um yeah my bad," I say, quicker than I meant it to come out.

"No shame in liking what you see." So. Arrogant.

"Yeah right, don't flatter yourself. I was just surprised you rang the doorbell instead of honking. And that you got here on time. Didn't take you to be so..."

"Sweet, handsome, caring, kind?" He stares at me tauntingly.

"Whatever let's just go," I say, rolling my eyes trying to hide my smile.

He opens the door for me (weird) and I sit down. I expected him to own a run down janky car about to break down any second. But instead it's a red Tesla. So basic. However, I know it's his because when I climb in I smell the faint hint of cherry cigarettes. Him and his cherry obsession. I look up to see him still staring with the car door open.

"What do you want," I ask.

"Nothing. I mean you... um- you look nice. I guess."

Was Abraham Tiwari STUTTERING?

I had never, ever seen him stutter. He's the type to compliment a girl about her tits like he's asking where the bathroom is. He does not stutter.

"Ummm... thanks?"

"Yeah sure, whatever" He slams the door hurriedly and walks to his side and gets in.

For the first few minutes, we drive with just the radio playing.

I mean, I guess I do look pretty nice today. I decided to put in some effort, convincing myself it was just for the sake of it. I was wearing pink jordans with an off the shoulder black mini dress that showed off the curves I usually hid beneath hoodies and sweaters. I even put on a pretty full face of makeup and did my hair. I just hope he didn't think I was dressing up for him... even if I might be.

Eventually, after a few gruesome minutes of awkward silence, Abe pulls up to the parking lot near the fireside community center. They have an arcade right inside, so I figured we might as well make use of it. We walk into the arcade section and Abe goes to buy our tickets. I see him talking rapidly to the desk attendant and he comes back.

"Hey apparantly they closed off the arcade cuz some dude rented it out for a laser tag game with his friends"

"What?? No way. That sucks."

"Yeah I know, I mean we can go somewhere else though I'll find a better place than this"

"Okay yeah that's alright. Thank y-"

"Hey Y/N, funny running into you here."

Shit. Shit. Shit. I recognize that voice. Nonono this can't be happening. There's no way he's here.

"And who might this be?" Abe turns to me in confusion with one eyebrow raised.

"Aidan Bantar, pleasure to meet you," he reaches out to shake Abe's hand.

I stare in horror as the two size each other up.

There is no way that my stupid friends with benefit link up... is standing right here.... In front of Abe. God help me. Maybe I should just make a run for it. Yeah that's best I'll just-

"You don't look too good, you're not gonna throw up on me are you?"


I feel my heart drop down to the literal floor as I turn and see the boy who I swore I would never talk to again, standing right there.

Not Diego.

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