The party

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Me and Cassie had gone shopping for costumes after school on Friday. I didn't want to wear a stupid witch costume or something, so I got a green crop too and belt skirt to match with a few accessories, and got myself a pair of green fairy wings. It wasn't the best, but I kind of looked like one of those winx characters, so it would have to do. It was the day of the party. I had driven myself to Starbucks that morning to grab some coffee and do some homework at the store. By the time I had come back it was three in the afternoon. Her party started early so I was going to have to change now. I got in the car and drove to the address on the invite, and It took my thirty minutes to park because of all the cars.

When I walked in, it was already dark outside. Lianna had really gone all out for this party. I walked in trying to find my way to somebody I knew. Cassie said she would be there in ten. I walked around making conversation with a few friends, and then I found Nico. He didn't see me so I tried to call out, but the music was way too loud. He was heading upstairs, so I followed him. Why was Nico going into the room? I opened the door to check and there he was. His shirt on the floor. Kissing his ex. She had her clothes off and they didn't even notice me standing there. That little- I couldn't stay here. I went downstairs and grabbed my jacket and a bottle of beer off the table. I need to get out of here.

My head was everywhere, I couldn't think straight. Did he ever break up with her? Was he with her before he kissed me. Or did he cheat on me after. I didn't care, either way I was embarassed. I got played and I thought I didn't have to worry because he was my "best friend". I should have known better. I took another gulp of the beer. I finally reached the front lawn of Liannas house and I sat on the hood of a random car.

I sat there for a while before I heard a knock coming from inside. It was Pierre. Id been in his class a few times and he seemed nice, but I didn't know him all that well. But his striking hazel eyes had always stuck out to me.

"You okay there?" He asked.

"Huh? O-oh yeah no no I'm good. Sorry shit I was sitting on your car." I slid off the hood of the car and walked around to the window.

"Don't worry about it" he smiled. "It was fun watching you drink your sorrow away acting like a wounded puppy". At that moment I was glad it was dark outside because my face turned bright red.

"Oh... you saw all that?"

"Yeah. Is there a reason or is this an everyday thing for you"

"NO there's definitely a reason... I don't do this. Regularly I mean. I don't do this regularly" What am I even saying? "Um this guys who I kind of was best friends with kissed me and we were together but not at the same time and I just found him with his tongue up in his ex's mouth."

"Sounds like a Tool, you sure his costume for Halloween isn't an idiot?" Despite the fact that he made the most unfunny joke, I laughed. I liked this guy.

"What are you doing alone in your car?"

He laughed. "You got me there. I don't know. Decided to come last minute and then convinced myself out of it after I got here. I'm watching a movie in my car instead."

I don't know why but I asked him, "mind if I watch?"

"Hmm I don't know if you can handle this movie. it's sad and romantic and I can't handle you drinking your feelings away and crying on my shoulder and all." A guy who likes sad rom coms. That's new. I rolled my eyes and got in through the other side of his car. I definitely needed a distraction right now.

"So. What movie are we watching? Let's see who cries first." He laughed and pressed play.

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