Oh piya? More like oppa: a short side story

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Piya walked into her favorite class hike. It wasn't because of what they were teaching. It was because of who was teaching. Mr.ankrapp. He was so young and handsome and he had those luscious curly locks and piya wanted to slam him against the whiteboard and run her hands through them. Down his toned muscular abs and strong arms. Piya snapped back to reality as the bell rang. Avril, her secret boyfriend, sat next to her. On her other side, her other affair Benjamin Koch sat down. Neither of them had any idea she was doing both of them at the same time- Avril got her in the pm, and Ben in the am. But MR.ankrapp. He got her every minute and every second.

But she needed to get her mind off of him. She got up and seductively brushed her leg by Ben's arm and whispered "you know what to do" and winked as she walked out. She walked to their secret nook at the dark abandoned janitors closet in the school. Ben met her there two minutes later and she was on him before he even finished locking the door. She ran her tongue over his teeth and he caught her lips with his own. She bit down on his soft pink lips, now swollen, and he grunted. She proceeded to undress herself and he did the same. She was wearing her favorite lace lingerie today, and she could feel the heat of Ben's gaze on her. She began to ride him... slowly at first, and then increasing her speed until she was moaning. But the whole time, she was only thinking about Mr.Ankrapp. Avril and Ben were merely distractions. She finished first, and quickly put her clothes back on, walking out before Ben was even done dressing.

Today was the day she decided. Having Ben and Avril had been enough before- they were hot. But nobody could measure up to ankrapp. He was just- on another level. She was going to make her handsome teacher be with her. She would have him no matter what.

She went back to class and went up to the teacher, pulling up her skirt and pulling down her shirt. She bit her finger and asked Mr.ankrapp, "hi... I don't really understand this. I'm so stuck. And I was wondering if you had time after school today? Like a private session. To teach me... scchool stuff of course." She knew he wasn't stupid- he knew what she was implying... and he said yes. Piya walked back to her seat and gave him her biggest smile.

She couldn't contain her excitement for after school and all her classes seemed to go by slower than normal. She ran to his room after chemistry. Mr.Ankrapp had the lights off and the door was open. She walked in and let the door shut behind her. She saw him sitting on his desk. She walked up to him and stare at him. She got closer, and closer and closer. Then Mr.ankrapp pulled her down and kissed her deeply.

She had been waiting for this moment. "Max" she gasped. He murmured... kissing her along her cheek, down her neck, down down down. Soon they both had their clothes off, and she could say with satisfaction that he was much longer than both Avril and Ben. This must be what being with a real man is like. He did not hesitate and was inside her with lightning speed. She had never felt so complete... so fulfilled. She and him were one and she never wanted him to leave. She whimpered and he smirked at her with those smoldering eyes.

"Again" she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"How am I supposed to say no to you sweetheart"

Then MR. Ankrapp slammed her against the wall and she hooked her legs around him and they did it all over again, and when they were done she looked to him. His toned muscles were glistening with sweat and she couldn't take her eyes off of him. But she couldn't give him everything. She had to leave him wanting more. She walked over to the pile of clothes and seductively put her clothes back on, never breaking eye contact. Then she said "I'll see you later" and walked out.

A/N- special story just for ms. Guduru. Hope u like it!! Xoxox author of urs

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