The bet

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I was really good at beer pong, and I had rarely ever lost. But Abe was exactly two points away from winning, and I was three points away. I try to make it in, and it misses. One more shot. It makes it in. Cassie squeals and we hug, and I stumble over from all the drinks. I take my next shot at the cups and I make it in. Oh my god I might win. I calm myself and focus on the last cup, and throw it. I miss. SHIT. Abe looks at me with triumph, and holds out a cup of beer. I walk over and grab it, but trip and fall onto him.

"Shit are you good?" he asks. "We don't have to keep playing"

"Nah I'm good, we're almost done anyway," I say. Then I do the most embarassing thing and I WINK AT HIM. Abe stares for a second, then looks away from me and clears his throat. He walks up to his side and takes his shot. He gets it in. Then he grabs another ball and aims it. Please don't make it in, please don- I don't get to finish as the sound of cheers erupt and Abe makes it in. I am quiet literally done for. THE BET. Oh my god.

Abe walks up to me expectantly and says, "I guess I get to ask you for something now" with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah yeah fine, just tell me"

He says nothing and instead bends down so his face is level with mine. Then he takes a finger at taps it on his cheek, looking at me with impatience. Everybody is silent, and trying to act like they aren't paying attention, but I can feel their eyes on me. But then again I am drunk out of my mind. So I do the worst thing possible. I turn his face and kiss him. On the lips. I hear a few whistles but they are all muddled out because at that moment I feel a shiver run down my spine, and I realize it's Abe's hand on my back. He's kissing me back. Why is he kissing me back. Oh he's drunk too. But he's not a lightweight. He's a good kisser though. Better than Nico that's for sure. I wonder how many girls he's kissed.

My mind starts to wander but I snap back to attention with a single second of sensibility, and I pull back, stumbling away. Abe looks both flushed and... shy? I never thought I would see that on his face, but I don't have time to double take because I run out of the house and get to my car faster than I have ever before.

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