Cherry cigarettes

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It had been two weeks since the confusing encounter with Abe. I had tried my best to avoid him, but sometimes I ran into him by accident and he'd smirk at me with those smoldering eyes of his. He was messing with me so bad. At least I had Cassie. Cassie and I were close as ever and we had almost every class together, thankfully. She was super outgoing and had always been popular with her classmates. She's been in way more relationships than me, but recently she had just broken up with her boyfriend, Allen. Now she was obsessed with a new guy- Brad. I didn't know Allen very well, but he'd apparently cheated on her with this random goth girl. Cassie wasn't the type to forgive and forget, so she left him without regrets. Now her and Brad were all over each other but were still "unofficial". Ugh. I wish my biggest problem was picking which guy I'd date for the month. Instead I was stuck with a guy I'd liked since freshmen year who was suddenly messing with me. Not to mention the fact that home wasn't any better either. I had to deal with my drunk dad and console my mom, pulling the family back together right when it's about to break. Being an only child sucks. Sometimes I just wanted to get away from it. Oh now I've started feeling bad for myself. Great. I hate this stupid class. But I couldn't stop myself from overthinking. At one point at the end of last year, I had done something nobody knew- not Nico nor Cassie. Id gone out in my sluttiest outfit and gotten into a club. Id heard about it from a kid I sat next to in English class. Ms. cracker was teaching and akon had told me about the club a few of his friends would go to in the weekend. I was so defeated and just wanted to leave the house, so in a moment of impulse I had gone. When I went I got so drunk and could barely walk. I remember stumbling into somebody oddly familiar, and he had carried me to a room. I should have been scared, but I was too drunk to care. But he hadnt done anything- just left me, and closed the door behind him. Come to think of it- he'd smelled just like... cherry cigarettes. I snapped back awake as Cassie told me about how her and Brad had made out after the football game last night. "UHUH yeah no that's so romantic" I added, trying to act unphased. Oh my god.

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