Halloween continued...

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WTF. WHY? My mind was racing right now. I had been babysitting his brother the whole time. But they weren't alike at all...

"So youre the babysitter huh?"

"Uhhm... yeah I guess"

"Were you guys going out to eat?"

"Uh yeah we were... wanna come with?" SHUT UP SHUT UPSHUT UP. Why did I invite him.

"Since you want me to so bad" he said, and gave me one it his smirks. He got into the passenger seat and I drove, Derek in the back. The whole ride was silent except for the occasional conversations Derek started. When we finally got there, we got out of the car and Derek grabbed my hand and Abe's hand, using us to swing him as we walked. I laughed and Abe smiled, looking at me. We got a table and a waiter asked us what we would like. I looked up and Pierre was standing there.

"Oh my god Pierre, you work here?!" I got up and hugged him.

"Yeah, it's so cool to see you here! It's been a while."

"Oh I was rewatching that movie, it's so fricking good"

"I told you you would like it. Okay but wait.., how many times did you cry?"

"Once...well twice... FINE five times okay? JEEZ" I laughed as I shoved him playfully. I sat back down as he said, "Are these your brothers?"

"Trust me, im not." Abe interjected. Then he reached over and pushed my hair behind my ear. I felt the heat crawl up my face.

"Uhhh yeah... um this little guy is Derek, I babysit him, and that's his brother," I told Pierre, trying to keep calm. Pierre introduced himself and held out a hand to Abe.

"I'm Abe" he responded, not bothering to shake Pierre's hand. Pierre just laughed it off and gave Derek a fistbump. I smiled at him. He's so sweet... unlike somebody. Abe caught me smiling and gave me an eye roll.

"Alright, my boss will kill me if I just sit here talking all night, so why don't I take down your order"

"Uhh I'll have pancakes," I said.

Derek ordered the same and Abe got the chicken tenders. Pierre jotted down our order and left.

"Really? Pancakes at night? I thought u were supposed to be a good example for my brother"

I rolled my eyes, ignoring him, but I could hear Abe chuckle.

When our food finally came, Abe took Derek's pancakes and cut them into triangles for him. I watched in admiration, and before I could stop, Abe caught me staring and said, "what? Want me to do yours too?" And before I could say no, he took my plate and cut up the pancakes. But he didn't stop there. He took out a fork and took a piece of the pancakes, then held it near my mouth with that look on his face like he was gonna start laughing any minute.

"I can cut my own pancakes." I quipped, trying to take the fork from himself. He moved it away and said, "fine. You don't want me to do it. But I do. Plus you owe me for not telling my parents about you ordering pancakes for my brother at night..." This time I ate the pancake from the fork he had been holding and then took it from him, not looking at him.

Derek looked up. "Why are you trying to feed her? Are u dating?"

I blushed and looked away, but then Abe started laughing and I couldn't stop myself. Derek looked between us in confusion but we both just looked at each other and kept laughing.

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