A side story: Gyatti⭐️s

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I walk into the room, nervously fidgeting with the collar of my tshirt.

Damn, it's hot in here.

I'd never been the kind of guy for this but I was lonely and exhausted so I wanted to try something, anything. Something that made me feel something. The door opens and I hear the club music for a second before the door shuts and the sound fades away. Footsteps. They're so slow and steady that I feel jittery just from listening to them. The door opens again, and I hear more foot steps.

Wait what? I thought it was just one-

Five men walk in, wearing half unbuttoned black shirts and suit pants. They stare and assess me for what seems like hours before one steps forward.

"Nice to meet u gang, the names shrayan, but u can call me stray," he says reaching out to shake my hand. He has a black rose tattooed on his neck, which sends chills down my stomach.

 He has a black rose tattooed on his neck, which sends chills down my stomach

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"Call me Malla- nice to meet u as well." I try to sound confident, hoping none of them hear the quiver in my voice.

Another one, the shortest of the five, steps forward and introduces himself as Amiyr

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Another one, the shortest of the five, steps forward and introduces himself as Amiyr. He looks much older than the rest, with his dad bod and haldf shaven beard.

 He looks much older than the rest, with his dad bod and haldf shaven beard

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"Sup, good meeting u brother. My name's abraham, or Abe for short." This one is wearing small, tight shorts, unlike the others. That won't be hard to miss.

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