Orange (nico) is the new black (abe)

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Did... Abe take me to the room at the club last year. No... cherry cigarettes were popular these days. But he's the only person I knew who smoked them. Oh god. If he had seen me- that was so embarrassing. Class ended and I walked to my car blushing the whole way, replaying the scene in my head. How had I not realized till now. Now I remembered all the details. How his hand had slipped around the small of my waist, his dark eyes flitting across the room. He'd held me close to him like I was his... his to protect. No. It was definitely him. This is so embarassing. I finally got to my car and was about to get in when I saw Nico standing there, with his hands in hispockets. "Can I get a ride?" He asked. "Yeah sure hop in" I responded. I owned a small mini coop, and it was old and run down... but it worked. Nico got in and I started driving to his house. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time. I stopped at a red light and turned to him. "Jesus Christ will you stop staring at me. What do u need" I asked him. He chuckles playfully. "I don't know Y/N. It's just something about you... it feels different." The light switched to green. My ears were burning and I couldn't look at him looking at me like that. I released a breath of relief when we got to his house. Why was he acting so weird. I had enough problems already. I didn't need him acting all weird. I turned around to say goodbye, but he was still staring at me. "Quit it" I pushed him playfully. He caught my arm and said "make me". I was so close to him. Too close. I've never noticed how long his eyelashes were. Or how pink his lips were. Or how seggsy his mou- shut up u moron o my god. "You got so hot over the summer y/n. I tried to stop... thinking about you. I didn't want to ruin what we had. But I can't stop. And I see you, and how the other guys you walk by look at you. And all I wanna do is kiss you right then cuz I want you to be mine. You can't look like... that and expect us to just be friends. I can't think of you like that. I cant stop myself from looking at every inch of your body. And I need to tell you because it's been driving me crazy these past few weeks and I want you first." My heart stopped. His eyes travelled down my face, landing on my chest. I suddenly felt exposed. He got closer till he was a slight movement away. I shouldn't be doing this. But it was too late. I always knew Nico was popular with the girls, but now I knew why. When he kissed me I felt like I was going to explode. He wasted no time, letting his tongue explore all the crevices of my mouth. I should stop. This is bad. But I kept going, and it only encouraged him. God. Lianna must have been one lucky girl. She had gotten to kiss him every day last year, but they had broken up this summer. I remember now that I had been obsessed with Nico last year, despite acting like we were nothing more than friends. I was so jealous of lianna. I thought it was just because I hadn't gotten to hang out with him as much because of her... but it was because I wanted to be the one he was with. I had my hands in his wavy hair now.

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