Abe's other side

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i walked into school that monday feeling tired as shit. i didnt eat breakfast so before i got to class i headed to the cafeteria to get some. At first i thought i was the only one, but then i heard a sound. "what is that melody?" i thought. i chuckled at my little joke. as i grabbed a chocolate milk and a banana, i tried to find where this weird noise was coming from. There. behind that door. i opened the door slightly to make sure whoever was in there didnt hear me.

i see two guys huffing, staring at each other. i cant see their faces though. the taller one walks up to the shorter one and pushes him down into a chair. what are they doing? are they gonna fight? i continye watching. the short one stares straight ahead as the taller one starts... is he running his fingers through his hair? i realize that this seems intimate... not something i should be watching, but i cant stop. the tall one continues brushing and playing with the other guys hair. after a minute he leans around the front and kisses him. once. twice.

i expect them to keep going but then the tall one, who seems to be leading the... event pulls the one on the sear forward. then he stretches one leg over the back of the chair so that he is seated behind the short one. it was almost like they were straddling each other. the tall one started running his hands down the other guy as if he was deprived of touch. the short one tips his head back and lets out a guttural noise. i catch a sight of his face but dont recognize him.

they move back and forth, in simultaneous motion. its memsmerizing but i feel so wtong. maybe i should leave. i slightly move to close the door again, but as i back away, my shoe squeaks on the linoleum floor. SHIT. i whip my head back to the two guys, who have now frozen in their tracks and were staring. at me.

i let out a gasp. i could now see the tall one's face. and i recognized him. the same guy i went out for pancakes with. the same guy that made a BET with me over beer pong two days ago. Abe stared in shock for a split second, but then before i could see his reaction i ran. i heard him come after me but i did track for two years. i outrun him and hise in the girls bathroom. i lock the door and sink down to the floor, breathing heavily, mind racing.

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