Fatty mcfatface

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I ran down the street breathing heavy. WHAT IS THAT. it's so... ugly, and grotesque. Oh lord save me. I love you mom I love you dad. I turn around for a split second and immediately regret it as I see the creatures slobbery smile and yellow crooked teeth. It has brown curly strands of fur sticking out in random patches across its dark scaly skin dripping with sebum. It walks as if it has been fucked in the ass every second for the past week, climbing over itself and tripping.

Maybe I can outrun it. As I'm running I trip and scream out, and I look up from the ground. The creature is getting closer. This is it. This is the end.

"Y/N? What happened, are you okay?" my boyfriend runs up to me hurriedly with concern etched across his features.

"Th-that... THING. It's chasing me." I climb up rushedly. "We have to GO!"

"Wait what?? Huh?"


"Y/N, did you forget your contacts again?"


I turn around to see how far the ugly creature is and it's right there, next to the street lamp. It's twisted features on its wide face- wait. Is that? OH MY GOD.

"Hi... Carter."

"Hey Y/N, why were u running? Is everything okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah no it's nothing I just mistook you for someth- someone else!! Forgetting my contacts was not the move!!! Sorry"

Wow, that's embarrassing

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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