time to take a hike

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as soon as i walked in, i could feel his gaze.
not jusf his, but everybodys gaze. OMG WERE THEY... checking me out? i felt their wyes travel down the toned myscles of my legs and my abs from gruesome days of training for cheer this summer. they never loomed at me like this last year. i sit down. as i take out my stuff, nico moves to sit down next to me. "damn why do u look like that" he says. "shut up," i shoot back, "i look the same". i bump him with my elbow and he smirks back. nico and i have been best friends since freshmen year when he asked me if i wanted his yoplait and sat down next to me at lunch. i had a few other friends, but nico and my best friend since preschool, cassie were who i hung out with the most. me and nico talked about our summers, but the whole time he kept getting distracted. i couldnt tell why so i just ignored it. and just like that chem was over, but before i could follow nico out the door, abe stopped me and took me aside. me and him had barely talked last year, but we went from friends to enemies during freshmen year. but despite myself, i still caught myself staring at him whenever i could get away with it. i dont know why- there was nothinv to like. he was rude, entitled, arrogant, and ticked me off. but last yesr near the end of the school year, me and abe had settled down and not gotten on each others nerves as much, and had even teased each other playfully some times. i was startled when he wanted to talk to me. but as i looked at him in his messy hair and black jacket i caught a whiff of xherry cugarettes. "what r u doing" he asked. "what do u mean" i snapped back. who was he to act all cocnerned, and i didnt even do anything to him. "you walk in wearing a skirt that covers a good two inches or ur legs and showing everybody ur stomach like a stripper." thats it. i slapped him in the face. he looked shocked but then smiled which just made me more mad. "this is the first thing u say to me after two months?" i yell. "ok im sorrt, i was out of line. i was just caught off gaurd cuz u look... different. i dont know im messed up". he loomed genuinly sorry, so i let it go... for now. "do u like smoke now or something?" i asked, trying to change the topic. he grunted. "vape, not smoke, and its none of ur business. unless u want to join me sometime." i could feel my ears burning as he playfully chuckled at me. i had to get out of here. "i have class to get to i got ti go" i said, hurriedly walking out the door. but as i walked down the hallway i stoll heard him call out one last thing behind me "dont worry ill see u later anyway." i didnt want to think about it so i acted like i didnt hear.

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