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Nico and I had been... talking for the past few weeks. Ok more like we just made out every chance we got. But I had to hand it to him... he was a really GOOD kisser. But I swear when we sit together in hike and Nico try's to be sneaky and hold my hand, I can feel somebody staring at us the whole time. By somebody I mean Abe. I cant tell if I'm imagining it or if he's being all gloomy now that me and Nico are... kind of together? We aren't official but we are. It's complicated.

It was already October. I can't believe school had gone by so fast. My grades were surprisingly good, and things with Nico were nice to say the least. But I still didn't feel complete. I don't know why... but I tried to take my mind off of things and think about the Halloween party this Saturday. Lianna was hosting it, and everybody was going. I was planning on going normal but everybody told me we were supposed to dress up. I asked Nico if he wanted to go but for some reason he was hesitant. Maybe it was because his ex was hosting it. Either way, me and Cassie were going to go together and I was glad to have something to do.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the Hike teacher said the word "sex". Oh no. This is WIERD. And I was sitting next to Nico. Could this get anymore awkward. And then it got worse. SOMEBODY BROUGHT IN A TUB of condoms. Nononono. DONT get me wrong, I don't think sex is disgusting or anything. I just... don't want to be discussing it with my non boyfriend boyfruend. And the fact that Abe was staring daggers at my head was pissing me off. I needed to get out of here. I wasn't ready for a sex ed class filled with a room full of hormonal teenagers.

I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom. As I was walking down the hall, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around expecting Nico but it was Abe. He walked up to me and stopped inches away from my face. I backed away and stared at him.

"What do you want," I asked. We hadn't talked that much since that first day of school. Mostly it had just been quick glances during class, small conversation, and accidental bumps trying to get through the packed hallways.

"You know what I want" he responded.

"Shut up and stop trying to piss me off," I snapped back.

"Are you and Nico a thing?"

"Why do you care."

"Just asking... unless you want it to mean more than that."

"I don't know what we are, and no. No as in I don't want it to mean more." I tried to keep it together. But it was difficult when he was looking at me like that. It got me more flustered than when me and Nico kissed. Just looking at his beautiful eyes. Get a hold of yourself.

"Hmm yeah alright." He didn't look convinced. "You going to Lianna's on Saturday?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Maybe. I don't know I wasn't planning on it but now I might go just to see you dressed up." I tried to roll my eyes to hide the fact that I was blushing... hard.

"Yeah whatever, I gotta go to the bathroom."

"No you don't, your just to scared to talk about sex with me looking at you."

"Get a hold of yourself, plus Nico and I are kind of together anyway. And I'm dressing up for myself, not your or anybody else, so if you are gonna come don't do it for me." I turned away to head to the bathroom, but as the door swung shut behind me I heard him say "I'll be looking forward to it" and i didn't even need to look to check if he was smirking at me.

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