Her little secret

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I was still flustered from my encounter earlier that day...I couldn't think straight in most of my classes and I'm not sure what was worse.. that I couldn't stop picturing abe and diego, or that i didnt want to stop. I suddenly heard a loud bang from across the classroom, pierre just dropped his APUSH textbook.
Of course he did hes so clumsy.
I giggled and turned around to look at Pia, but she seemed oddly preoccupied this week. I know she just started therpay though so I didnt want to pester her.
Pierre came over and slung his arm around me and gave me a sly grin. Gosh i could watch his smile for ages and never get bored.
"How's my favorite kanna doing today" he asked. I giggled and playfully hit him, "Im doing fine, stop calling me that Pierre!!"
His tone shifts as his eyes darken with concern "Seriously though, you've been...off today, maybe you can come over afterschool?" The end of his sentence came out almost as a groan, as if he was asking with desperate necessity, I wasn't sure why though.
I innocently tuck away my hair, "Maybe, I might have to meet with Pia for a project first"
He looks slightly alarmed as I say her name, but I brush it off. After what I saw this morning I'm not sure I can trust my own eyes anymore.

Pia's POV:
I sat in Chemistry trying to finish my POGIL, but how was I supposed to focus when y/n was all over Pierre? Lately I've been distancing myself from her, she assumes its because of therapy but how do I explain to her that I'm secretly hooking up with the guy she's been catching feelings for? Yeah, not an easy task, espcially when its y/n you're talking to. Don't get me wrong we were closer than ever and I still love her, but I can't tell her the truth..not yet atleast.
"Hey Pia, wanna work on our flavanoid project at your place afterschool?" she asks.
I abruptly leave my thoughts, "Sorry, I can't today, my mom needs help with some stuff"
Actually, I was going to hang with Pierre again, but she didnt need to knoe that

The bell rings and I pack my things and rush to the main gym. Pierre didn't have practice today which means we could go straight to his place.
"Hey you ready to go?" Pierre wraps me in a tight embrace leading me to his car
I wasnt going to make this easy for him
"I dont know..are you sure you dont want ashley there instead?" I retort
He groans "You know I only want you baby"
Its a good thing the parking lot was empty
I tug at his shirt eager to get it off as we arrive at his house, we lazily stumble out of the car.
As one thing leads to another, we end up in his bedroom as he pulls me into him.
I was nervous. We'd never done anything more before and I wasn't sure what to expect
He kisses down my throat gently biting here and there as he earned loud moans from me.
His eyes darken with desire
"Pierre, make love to me" I plead

Pierre's POV:
I loved Pia, I really did, but some things just cant be told. My first time was with Diego, all of our firsts were with Diego actually. We ended things since him and Abe began seeing each other. I still remember the raw, passionate desire radiating off of him as he said the same words Pia just said, "Pierre, make love to me"
Little did she know, I dont make love. I fuck. And i fuck hard.
Her dulcet moans break me out of my trance, I look into her pleading eyes and try not to imagine Diego's instead.
Fuck it. I'm not ready for this.

Pia's POV:
I see raw desire behind his eyes and can't help but feel the same, but I can tell he's not ready yet but neither am I.
"Its okay, we can do something else" I say
His arms relax around me, "Eventually princess, eventually..."
He's already gone down on me before, so I decide to return the favor. I seductively get on my knees and re-adjust my face to his member. There was a tent in his pants, he gulped and slowly began to remove his boxers.

Ashley's POV:
Since Pia was busy, I decided to take Pierre up on his offer and suprise him at his house. I arrive, get out of my car, and bring my backpack in case we end up studying.
That's weird..his front door is wide open.
I dont think much of it, maybe he just forgot to close it. He can be such a clutz!
Hmm..thats weird he hasn't come out yet. Maybe he didn't hear me come in
I plop down my backpack and walk over to his room and turn the knob, maybe we could work on our paralell structures assignment together. Nothing could prepare me for what I saw next...
"PIA????!!-" I shrieked
Instead I saw her paralell to Pierre's structure
Tears began pouring down my eyes as I ran out of the house. I saw an old pack of cherry cigarettes in my car and knew there was only one person who would give me solace.

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