Chapter Two: Finding the Heart

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Harry frowned a little as he saw how many blocks he had for Potions. He didn't understand why he had so much time with Professor Snape, the man hated him. The teen was sure he would've danced happily and eagerly to get rid of him seeing as the boy wasn't the best in his class.

The Golden Boy then chuckled at that thought, a soft smile on his face. He really couldn't see someone as serious and somber as Snape dancing a jig. Even under a hex! The man would more likely give Harry a smile than that. Even if Harry would like to something akin to a smile from the brooding man.

"Wat oo wok at?" Ron mumbled; his mouth stuffed with food as always.

The black-haired boy's nose twitched in the desire to scrunch up in disgust, however he held back. He knows that the Weasleys don't have much money, so he was sure that Ron stuffing his face with no manner's whatsoever was probably because of that and the added curse/benefit of having so many siblings with such a limited amount of food. Besides, the boy could relate to being hungry enough to forget to be polite.

"I have potions, lots of potions." The famous boy showed his table to the other two, Hermione frowning deeply. She then looked at her first friend with an eyebrow raised. "I thought he'd do a dance at my departure." He said softly, smiling toward her.

Her concerned look shifted to one of peace and laughter, her making a quiet huffing sound. To anyone else, she would've looked annoyed, maybe ready to lecture him about saying ridicules things. Harry knew it was an act, a good one, but nothing harmful.

Suddenly, the two jolted away from each other, looks of disgust mirroring on their faces as the youngest male Weasley spewed out his food onto the table. His laughter was loud and joyous even amongst the normal chattering of the Hall. No one cared to look over at the trio, even as the brunette genuinely went into a rant about his horrid manners.

The Boy-Who-Lived shifted some, suddenly feeling awkward. Glancing about, he soon found the reason from two teachers at the head table. Their cold eyes were looking at him questioningly, and he couldn't help but squirm more. It felt wrong, but right at the same time to have their eyes on him. His instincts were telling him to go to them, to seek their touch and warmth. The boy wasn't one to dismiss those odd feelings, they've saved him a number of times from Dudley, even a few times in the Wizarding World. Yet right now would be too awkward and the people his instincts wanted him to go to were not going to like him so close.

"Harry, we should go early." The clever witch's voice drew the teen from his staring contest with the adults. Her sweet brown eyes glanced their way, naturally narrowing. "I want to look over the book's material." She hummed, pulling him up and away, leaving Ron behind.

The red-haired teen only rolled his eyes at the pair of them, though he was annoyed. Those two had been a lot closer than what many would call friendly. Hermione practically clung to Harry's arms whenever the year just starts! He was mostly annoyed because he thought the muggle-born was pretty hot, and fierce. She was the type of woman that would make it easier for him to live a life of luxury. The type of woman who would unwittingly help him with his shortcomings. Yet, she was hanging off the good-for-nothing Potter. He was going to have to work on getting her away from him so his sister could marry the idiot. That was at least one way for him, his mom, and sister to finally have money.

Snape and Malfoy Sr. had their eyes trained on Harry the moment the young Weasley boy decided to laugh out his breakfast in a disgusting manner. They were mildly surprised to find that they couldn't turn their attention away from the younger male once they had set their eyes on him. It didn't help that his sweet green eyes had soon found their way to them.

The two older Night Creatures found their instincts going haywire! Scratching and clawing at their sane minds to go to the boy, to press him against their bodies, to take him away from the filthy blood-traitor. It took the Mudblood pulling him away for them to calm down, and even then, they had wanted to follow the pair out to be close to him.

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