Chapter Twenty-Four: New Ally

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Voldemort had been thinking about what he knew of Harry Potter. The boy was loyal, determined, as much of a Gryffindor as any other person, though he could sense sparks of Slytherin within him. As much as he wasn't good academically in anything other than Defense Against the Dark Arts, he was very skilled and clever. A true thorn in his side.

Well, he was until he learned about his status from Narcissia. He wasn't very happy with that new knowledge; he would admit that. Yes, he knew the Malfoys and Snape were Creatures, and at least the Elder Malfoy and Snape were mates. The two, as subtle as they were, weren't fooling his old eyes.

Yet, knowing that the boy-who-lived was their Heart, the only person to keep them sane and even somewhat controllable, was more annoying. Made the young wizard more of a thorn than before.

Then the she-demon of a medi-witch came storming back with a look that made even him momentarily quiver in fear. He knew she would only gain such a look should her child be in danger. The only reason he was holding off on marking the young Heir. But it wasn't her son's safety that came forth.

"Dumbledore is using him!" She shouted, unhindered by the view of the masked others.

They quickly shifted from her, holding their breaths.

"Lady Malfoy." The snake-faced wizard warned.

Her face puckered, but that fire only grew. Her eyes practically glowed with magic, wrathful magic of a protective mother.

"Apologize, My Lord," she gritted, "but that... that imbecile put blocks on him! Blocks!" Her rage took hold, dispelling any etiquette that was drilled into her.

However, his attention was now on her. Putting blocks on children was dangerous depending on the block and the child's magical abilities. Sometimes it is necessary, but from the glaring look in her eyes, it wasn't. And it was placed by Dumbledore of all people.

"Leave us!"

The room was empty of everyone but the two of them, allowing her the floor to rant and rave about what her husband had informed her. Oh, can that boy and Dumbledore surprise him!

Voldemort rubbed his face before taking a drink of Fire Whiskey. He was planning on performing a raid at some point, but now he was unsure. He would need more knowledge of where Harry Potter stood. He much rather not deal with the Malfoys and Snape defecting only to protect the boy. That would be a war on two fronts.

Finally, he sent out a message for his marked, a special one given to Snape to bring his two little mates for the next meeting, disguising the more famous one obviously. They would need to have a more private talk. He would be fine with anything as long as it didn't pin the two of them as enemies.

Next Hogsmeade weekend, the top Deatheaters were chattering away. Harry kept a tight hold on Snape's arm, his jaw tight. He didn't look anyone in the eyes least they find out who he was. He looked to Draco and Lucius, almost desperate for them to hold them.

By the silver hue of their eyes, he could tell they wanted to do the same. Draco shifted closer to his mate, being as subtle as he could. He didn't want him to be there. He didn't want his crazy Aunt to touch his Heart. He doubts any of the other Deatheaters would be able to draw their wands before they meet their demise, but the terror that his Heart was facing already...

"Sevy~ Who's this!" Bellatrix pranced over, her face twisted in a grin.

Harry felt his heart stutter, his grip tightening on the older Wizard, shrinking behind him.

"My mate." He responded curtly.

The insane woman stopped, blinking owlishly before laughing. It was high pitched and crazed. Suddenly, her clawed hand reached toward him, snatching his arm attempting to yank him forward.

The crazed Black found herself shrinking as she was lifted toward the ceiling, her airways being constricted with glowing red eyes glaring at her.

"Don't touch him."

He dropped her at that. She tenderly touched her throat, gasping and coughing. Ignoring her, he focused on his mate, being openly affectionate and worried. This made the others step away from the usually stoic and cold Slytherin Potions Master. They hadn't seen him like that.

"He looks young." One of them grumbled.

Snape glared at him while Harry just pressed himself closer. He was practically digging his nails into his mate's arm.

"Enough. Sit." Voldemort growled.

Everyone moved, some more quickly than others. Draco sat next his Heart, letting him cuddle into his side while the older wizards talked so openly. It felt somewhat refreshing to be in the know, but equally terrifying with the Dark Lord so close. He seemed to be in a very bad mood if the growing sting of his scar was anything to go by.

The meeting seemingly went long, with many people being distracted with the new mysterious person that Snape had claimed as his mate and having the bratty Draco being kind to him. Many tried to catch his eye, but he was careful when looking around to who was speaking.

Soon after, it was just the Malfoys, Snape, and Voldemort. The heavy glamour on the boy-who-lived was released, he looked head on toward the Dark Lord. His jaw was set, his back straight and tense.

The snake-faced wizard looked toward him, finally seeing how thin and pale he was. He was sure that the male Malfoys and Snape had been feeding him and taking care of him, which only showed how horrible his treatment was with those muggles.

"I only have one question for you, Potter." He did his best not to spit the name out. Said teen sat straighter, his eyes naturally narrowing. "Are you going to oppose me?"

Potter's lips thinned as he thought about it.

"Will you kill my family?"

The two had a starring contest. Neither one of them saying anything. Then there came a cold smile.

"As long as they don't oppose me, I find no reason to kill them."

Harry nodded to that, his body relaxing if only a tad.

"I want to stay inform."

"I'll have your mates relay information till you're of legal age. I'll inform the others of that as well. I do suggest that you tell your other family members."

"Finally giving good advice."

Voldemort glared, drumming his nails on the hard table.

"Harry." Narcissa lightly patted his head, frowning.

His nose wrinkled in a defiant way, but he had muttered an apology to the Dark Lord. The small family soon left, needing to be back before Dumbledore noticed their absence. They also had to deal with explaining things to the crazed Black and an overly protective werewolf. Well, wouldn't that be fun.

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