Chapter Eighteen: Grandmothers' Protection

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Harry was awoken by yelling. Not nice yelling either as he could make out his name within it. Snapping his eyes open, he tried to sit up, trying to find a space where he could hide! Yelling plus his name usually means he's going to get hurt. No, he always gets hurt.

Arms pulled him back, a comforting scent filling the teen's nose. His body relaxed, his panic slowly dissipating. He looked up to see a familiar blond, who carefully began to run his slim hand in his hair.

"Did the yelling wake you?" Draco whispered.

Harry nodded, tears unwillingly springing forward. The blond softly hushed him, lightly patting his mate's back.

"It's not what you think." He murmured.

"But..." The dark teen stopped, nervously glancing to his wrapped hand.

The Slytherin Prince took his wrapped hand and kissed it softly, gently massaging it. He gave a soft smile, kissing his mate's head.

"It's just Professor McGonagall and Nurse Poppy." Dark eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "They told them."

Green eyes widen, his breath skipping. He had done everything he could to make sure they didn't ask questions. If they asked questions, they would see how weak he truly was. He didn't want Dumbledore to hear about how horrible everything was, especially now that he knew he was never on his side.

"Sshh... Breathe... They're not going to tell him about this..." Draco murmured.

"B-But..." His breathing was getting heavy, unbridled fear gripping him.

"They're not going to tell. They're upset with Umbridge." The young blond made sure his voice was firm without going to far.

Harry shakily looked into those enchanting silver eyes, desperately looking to see if he was lying. Like he had been seeing since they took him, there was nothing but truth.


The boy flinched, whipping his head toward the sharp voice to the scowling face of his House Head. He couldn't help the fearful whimper that left his lips, his body curling closer to Draco's without losing contact with her. Her face softened; the scowling disappeared.

"Minnie, Poppy, please." Severus growled, his eyes a sharp red as he and Lucius pushed their way into the room and climbed onto the bed.

The two older women watched as their boy leaned into Slytherins' touches. They watched as they calmed him, and they saw how scared this Brave and Reckless Gryffindor truly was. Minerva gritted her teeth, rage boiling inside her. She had told Dumbledore that those people were horrible! They were barely even human to other Muggles! Poppy could only feel guilty. She had seen many abused little ones, treated them and made sure they were safe, but she couldn't see it with him. All because he was a Gryffindor and the Boy-Who-Lived... She was an awful medi-witch.

Minerva took a step forward but stopped as the two older Wizards growled to her, their bodies tensed. The green dressed witch glanced to Harry, her words meant to him.

He looked away from her and gently pulling on Lucius's arm, getting him to stop wordlessly. Severus stopped a few seconds after his Alpha, huffing a little.

The brave woman took a couple more steps forward, walking around and sitting on the edge of the bed. She didn't say anything for a long moment, her kind eyes looking at his thin, pale face. His glamours were down, like they always were with his mates. She hated seeing those sunken eyes stared at her with closed off fear.

"I'm sorry... I had watched those Muggles and I knew..." She pierced her lips, her face tightening in a soured way. "I should have never just taken his word of your safety. I'm sorry that I have failed you." She bowed her head to him.

Poppy took a step forward, bowing her own head.

"I-I should've seen the signs... I should've done my job better. I also apologize."

Harry looked between the two women before giving them a soft smile.

"It's Dumbledore... He has a way with words..." He murmured.

The Slytherins huffed, clearly finding that to be an understatement.

The two elderly women nodded, their faces still soured. They still believed they should have done better. They will do better.

"We will do better." Minerva said sharply, in the tone that Harry always took as her magically promising something.

He smiled to her and Poppy, who had nodded. He then frowned, shifting a little.

"What about..." He paused, hesitant to talk about another Professor.

"Umbridge?" Poppy looked away with a scowl, huffing a little. "She's lucky they didn't tell me before I saved her. She won't be working here anymore or getting my help." The stern medi-witch waggled her finger, a fire in her eyes.

Harry's brows furrowed, whipping his head to Lucius, who gave a sharp grin.

"I had called some Aurors that owe me a favor to investigate her." His grin fell, his eyes darting toward his Heart's wrapped hand. "They will want to talk with you under Veritaserum." He said slowly.

The dark-haired Gryffindor flinched, knowing exactly what that meant. It made him wary. Carefully, the red Head House placed a comforting hand on the teen's shoulder.

"You are a minor, they have to let an adult you trust."

He gulped and nodded slowly, quickly grabbing onto Snape's billowing sleeve. The dark-haired man blinked in surprise, humming a little.

"Th-They... They won't think you would lie or manipulate me... They think you hate me..."

The Head Slytherin winced, looking away. He was still very much regretting all that. He should've been the adult. He should've moved on, it had been years since his relationship with Lily had fallen apart, and years still after her death. Yet, it could work in his favor, if only a little.

He turned back to his Heart, kissing his forehead as a response to him. He felt a the smaller wizard relaxing at his touch, him leaning into the touch. He pulled back and caressed Potter's cheek, watching him lean into it similar to a cat would.

Poppy and McGonagall saw that their presence was no longer needed, so they bowed and left quietly. Though, that didn't stop the two dowagers talking about what to do with Albus, without setting him off. He still held too much power. For now, the best they could do was offer more guidance and healing whenever he needed it.

"If he does any more." The older witch scowled.

"He better hope Death has mercy." Minerva growled in agreement, her grip tightening on her wand.

With that, the two kept quiet, eyeing the portraits warily.

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