Chapter Thirty-Three: No More

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Kind of losing inspiration for that, so I might end it soon. I hope you enjoyed the book though!


Voldemort was pleased to hear how unstable Dumbledore was. It pleased him enough that he was more than happy to listen to Harry when he suggested that they take over the Ministry. Of course, he had a few other suggestions on how they take over it, to kill as few people as possible.

"It would at least keep a somewhat positive view on you. Less likely to cause an immediate revolt."

The Dark Lord took his suggestions near to heart, easily devising a plan that would kill very few people. Bellatrix wasn't pleased with this new plan, but since her Lord wished it, she was going to obey. To the best of her ability anyway.

Overtaking of the Ministery, with Harry's insight, was actually easy. Dumbledore tried to fight back with his pitiful army of Phoenixes, but they soon had to go in hiding. Many Light families truly loyal to the old fool followed as well. Some half-blood and Muggle-born families also disappeared, transferring the money from their Wizarding vaults to their Muggle ones.

It took a while, a couple years, for people to not be so scared. Voldemort had allowed Minerva to stay Headmaster of Hogwarts, finding her to be a fine and competent teacher. The snake-faced wizard had made several reforms as well, undoing many idiocies that plagued the Wizarding world because of morons like Fudge and Dumbledore. Harry helped, of course.

The boy was smarter and more Slytherin like than any had given him credit for. The teen was eager to help fix what that grey bastard was trying to corrupt.

"Trials should always be held and all persons testifying need to take Veritaserum." His voice was firm, glaring in thought.

The monster nodded, remembering how easy it would have been for Sirius to be proven innocent had they done their jobs. Honestly, he felt almost insulted that they truly thought he would be able to turn over a loyal dog like Sirius! If he could, he would've done so many years ago, when he had turned Bellatrix at least!

"I'll make it harder."

"The Merlin order too." The Half-blood gave the monster a look, to which he only nodded.

The rest of the time was something similar to that. Other Wizards and Witches joined or were called in as experts within their fields. Madam Bones was more than eager to make Laws fairer and more difficult to twist to personal needs. She was a very Justice orientated person after all.

As more months passed and Aurors were properly trained on how to handle other creatures, along with other things, the violence and oppression against non-humans slowly vanished. By the end of the year, Harry was proclaimed as Voldemort's Successor. As Prince of Britain as many called him.

This claim had quelled many people's fears and quieted rebellious voices. They grew to fear the fact that the Dark Lord now had their savior by his side. Yet, some grew interested in this as well. The changes given weren't bad, they were rather helpful. The youth regaining the strength that had slowly been stolen away. Even as early as it was, it could be seen.

However, the worst part of this, was that Harry couldn't spend much time with his mates. He was so busy being groomed to take over as King of Britain and having to help Voldemort with the reforms so he wouldn't do something stupid or crazy. He still wouldn't have time to spend with his mates the next school year either.

Of course, he would be able to spend some quality time with Draco, but Severus and Lucius were another story. Seeing as this was happening, whenever he did have time, he spent most of it with them. There were days where he was with Draco or, more surprisingly, Narcissa. The Malfoy Lady wanted to make sure he was doing alright and that he had some motherly love.

He hoped that Dumbledore and his Order of Phoenixes stayed underground. The bastard would only complicate things. His life didn't need complexities. He honestly just wanted more time with his mates, loving them and being loved by them. When he becomes King, that should happen. Hopefully.

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