Chapter Thirty: Dumbledore's Dismissal

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Finding the tortured bodies of Ron and Ginny just outside Hogwart's safety brought many parents to fear. This wasn't the first time their children were hurt on site, but it was easier to hide what was happening with a few well-placed worlds and slight Compulsions. However, with the spouting of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named going around, this incident couldn't go unnoticed, nor unpunished.

Dumbledore tried to placate the adults with half-truths and sweet lies, but not even Arthur Weasley was willing to believe him! Not when this wasn't the first time his child was hurt!

"When will Hogwarts defense be strengthened! It was only two years ago that Sirius Black was able to get in! And then there was that Deatheater!" The red-haired man shouted, despite his wife's attempts at hushing him.

This action caused him doubt to form in his mind about her. Usually, she would be so protective of their children, but now she was willing to let this go? To let Dumbledore do as he please?! No, this didn't make sense to him. For now, till they were somewhere more private, he would ignore her attempts to silence his true and genuine concern for their children.

Other parents soon joined in. For once it didn't matter whether they were Pure, Half, or Muggle; they all agreed that Hogwarts wasn't safe if the children could so easily escape its walls or people could sneak in! Something needed to be done! And they all could see Dumbledore doing nothing.

"Everyone settle down! Settle down!" McGonagall stood up, clapping her hands twice to gain their attention.

Her face was stern as it usually became on a serious topic. Her eyes were cold and hard, looking ready to scold anyone to talked out of turn. Everyone tensed, sitting down once more. Even the Muggles knew not to cross her, that she held the real power.

"I hear your words, and you're correct. Hogwarts has been breached many times. Its spells are no longer as strong as they once were. With your-"

"Minerva, Hogwarts has yet to fall to these outside influences. Hogwarts's magic still is strong, it doesn't need to change." Dumbledore placed a hand on her forearm as he spoke, attempting a kind elderly look.

The greyed Witch gave the Headmaster a disgusted expression, the fury in her eyes burning like dragon fire.

"Excuse me?" She hissed.

The fool continued on, almost encouraged by her in some way. He likely thought he still held sway over her mind and that she would agree with him if he spoke long enough.

"Yes, there have been... Accidents. However, they have been solved. Other than that, we have no responsibility for students that break the rules and sneak out of Hogwarts so late at night."

"Are you saying what happened to those children was their own fault? That they deserved it?" A Muggle mother gapped, covering her mouth in horror.

A Pureblood woman softly patted the Muggle woman's shoulder, gently placating her before glaring near murderously toward someone proclaimed to be wise. His words seemed to have had the opposite effect that he had wanted. In truth, it had only pushed to reveal more of his twisted ways.

"Albus, I believe you have said enough!" Minerva growled, gripping her hands in front of her. It was tight and painful, but she didn't care. She was going to hex him if she didn't!

"I believe that Albus Dumbledore has been in charge of Hogwarts long enough." Lucius stood up, brushing down his clothes as murmurs swiftly spread about his words. Agreeing murmurs.

Dumbledore didn't like these words.

"Now, Lucius my boy-"

"Chief Warlock Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," everyone silenced at the sound of his full name, "I will be calling an emergency School Board meeting about this. Till then, as the Chairmen of said Board, I suspend your title as Headmaster of Hogwarts. Until further notice, Minerva McGonagall will be acting Headmaster."

"Thank you, I accept it fully." The Witch took a step away from the old Headmaster, politely bowing her head to him. "Will I be given the right to strength the castle's defenses? The parents hear have brought genuine concern before us."

The blond paused, thinking it over. It would do better, especially for his younger mates.

"Yes, do send notice of the types of spells you wish for to the Board. To make sure that they would work well to protect our children rather than hinder them."

McGonagall smiled, nodding her head. That was agreeable, and perhaps she would be able to find evidence of Dumbledore's corruption. If so, then it wouldn't be too long till he was tried.

Dumbledore held a look of surprise and he tried to talk, tried to deny! But it was too late. Aurors he had no control over guided him out of Hogwarts before he could collect his things. These Aurors made sure to drop him off at his Ancestorial home's gates before leaving, warning him against contacting anyone outside the Board and his family.

This angered him. What happened?! When did everything go so wrong! When? By Merlin! When he figures out what just happened, he'll fix it. Fix it and become the rightful King he is! He deserved it after everything he did!

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