Chapter Four: Investigating

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"Why can't I come?" The blond boy whined, pouting heavily.

Severus and Lucius hummed softly, both of them were rather amused by his whining. They both leaned down and gave the teen a sweet kiss on the forehead and cheek. The fully-fledged Wizards watched as his pout slowly formed into a disappointed frown. The two older men smiled at that and gave their Switch a kiss on the lips.

"I still don't understand." He muttered, but a small smile twitched at the end of his lips.

Lucius chuckled and shook his head.

"Yes, you do. You purposely don't want to understand." He hummed, watching as a blush rose onto the teen's slightly chubby cheeks. Within another year or so, his son would hit a growth spurt and lose his boyish appearance, so the older Malfoy was wanting to enjoy the sight just a little more.

"Fine," the teen hissed, "but why can't Severus stay with me?"

Said Potion's Master scoffed with a fond roll of the eyes. The blond man shook his head at his little mate again. He knew his son knew, but he would indulge a little.

"Because I need another person to sell my story as a father and a rich businessman. If what Severus says is true-"

"I don't lie."

"Then we need to look and act like Muggles. Neither of us have any proper experience doing either." The blond finished as if he wasn't interrupted.

The two older men waited as a multitude of expressions formed on the other's face before finally admitting defeat.

"He's our mate, try and bury the broomstick?" Lucius offered a kind smile to both of his stubborn mates.

The black-haired man scoffed again, a mild look of annoyance crossing his face. However, he did allow a small nod to show. Despite that the older blond was speaking to them as if they were equals, he knew that the suggestion was more of demand. Draco also knew this, so he too nodded.

Once that was done, the three separated with the adults heading over to the apparition point. There wasn't much they could do other than hide their muggle clothes under simple robes that would be easy to transfigure or shrink. They had to meet with the Dursleys, the Muggle people that were taking care of the boy.

It wasn't hard nor long to get into a conversation with the patriarch of the family. It was boring though, the two expressing their desires, keeping themselves very simple and civil. Thankfully, when Petunia entered the room and conversation, she hadn't recognized a handsome looking Severus, nor did he allow her to with the name Tobias Prince.

"Ah, I do apologize." The blond suddenly stood up, interrupting some pitch the walrus of a man was about to give. "It seems time has flown by." He gave what he hoped to be a soft look of disappointment.

Swiftly, the two muggles also stood up, an air of desperation clinging to the way they moved. It seemed that they were about to take a bait. What greedy little people.

"Yes, it is getting a bit late, we'll miss our flight back to Scotland." Severus hummed with a calm look.

"Your business is going there?" Mr. Dursley asked, his eyes a little wide.

"Started there, actually, but my son goes to a private business school there. We were only visiting and talking to see if there were any good investments to make or alliances to forge." The blond Pureblood gave a sweet smile, using everything that he had learned from being part of the Ministry to help him.

The Dursleys nodded, greed clear in their eyes as their little brains did what they could to think of a way to get such a big payday.

"Does your boy have Christmas Vacation? We have the best roasted turkey in town." The man hummed, leaning forward some.

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