Chapter Thirty-One: Change For The Better

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There was an immediate change within Hogwarts.

The first thing that everyone noticed was the enveloping sense of safety and magic. Apparently, Dumbledore had been lacking on recharging Hogwarts magical defense, not for months but for years. This was why it was it was even possible for unauthorized people to enter the school! There were already spells and runes in place to prevent unqualified or malevolent people from entering Hogwarts! As well as to help teachers track where students are! Maybe not as exact as which student is out and about, but that a student is.

The second thing was the stairs. There were plenty of complaints from both students and teachers about the stairs. The complaints only grew when Muggle architects and construction workers had heard of them! It was more than just time wasting, but dangerous as well. Looking further into it, it turned out the stairs once had runes carved onto the railing tops to help students get to classes easier. However, because Dumbledore and his own Predecessor were the worst at maintaining the Castle, the runes faded away and the stairs began moving on their own!

With the stairs now moving as they should've been, students were now safely moving across the school. Then came the third thing, hidden passages.

Hogwarts had many passages that were now appearing since the Castle had more magic flowing around. Minerva made sure that no student had access to these passages until trusted Aurors had searched them, learning where they went and such. The passages were basically shortcuts to certain areas within the school and were safe, so she updated the school map to show these passages.

After all of that, her biggest change was to the classes being taught!

"Really? You want to add more classes?" One of the board members muttered, looking surprised. "Dark classes no less..."

"On the contrary!" Flitwick spoke up, coming to Minerva's side. "I have personally studied these subjects, the only dangerous part of them is ignorance and lack of proper teaching. Like charms." He nodded his head sternly.

The old witch nodded to him, a thankful smile on her lips. She then focused on the Board and the teachers before her.

"With my own research, Hogwarts had the highest grades and the strongest Wizards and Witches when Hogwarts was teaching these classes. Many of them had become renowned within their fields. If we want Hogwarts to be our pride once more, I suggest we reinstate these classes for next year."

A few teachers murmured about it, but they didn't seem completely opposed to reinstating the classes. The board members whispered to each other, muttering about it before finally agreeing to it.

"We will expect at least ten students to get Outstandings in each of these new classes."

The Headmistress gave them a smile and nodded. She had a feeling there would be more Outstandings than that. The classes may have been tough, but she was sure they would have plenty of passion.

With Minerva in charge, she had also demanded change with how they taught students, especially with History and Potions. Snape didn't like her meddling with how he taught students, at least till Harry mentioned how difficult it was for him to learn with his usual style.

"Can you at least try? You can keep being intimidating and all that! But just try to help them."

Snape couldn't say no, not when his Heart was giving him puppy eyes and an adorable pout!

"I... I will try." He muttered, slumping.

Harry grinned, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you, that's all I'm asking!"

The Potion Master was very happy about that kiss, quickly grabbing his Heart to have a cuddle session before the rest of the day. The others came in on that, to which they happily joined in! With a bit more talking, Harry had helped Snape with making a proper class lessons.

The rapid changes had left the students confused. However, this unsure state allowed Hogwarts to form connections with the other Houses and students. This had helped with grades by the end of the year. Not everyone had an Outstanding, but the vast majority had E's or had improved a significant amount.

Sorry if this chapter isn't good, kinda losing inspiration and doing this at like midnight. I hope you all enjoy it!


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