Chapter Twenty-Two: Loss of Hair

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I can't take credit for this prank idea, it came from someone else, I just don't remember where. I thought it was hilarious and makes sense. I hope you enjoy the chapter though!


Dumbledore had noticed that Harry had been pulling away from him. He didn't like that. It was beginning to stress him. He couldn't have his lamb learning the truth and running away! Not only that, but he lost all ability to take money from the Potter Vault, something about the boy being emancipated during the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He'll have to sort through that later.

Out of habit, he pulled out one of his random assortments of hard candies to suck on. The sour-sweet of the lemon-flavored candy calmed him, though he did note it was a bit more sour than usual. The old wizard shrugged it off as a sourer flavored batch.

However, the next day, everyone could only look on toward the once powerful and grand looking Headmaster. Every face held a different emotion, many being that of shock and horror, others holding in their laughter, and a few looked disgusted at the sight. That sight being Albus Dumbledore's lack of pearly white hair and beard that nearly reached the floor.

It was all gone! Leaving only his wrinkled face and shiny bald head. The man that wore ridiculous clothes to have everyone's attention, now had it for a different albeit a worse way.

Soon, the Hall broke out in hushed whispers then into near frenzy! Someone had finally dared prank the all-knowing and all-powerful Albus Dumbledore! Many wondering eyes looked to the Gryffindor twins, even fellow Lions, yet all shook that off.

The twins were chaos incarnate, there was no question in any one's mind, but to do that? To go as far as to prank someone so close to Merlin himself?! Not even the testy Slytherins could see them doing that! Not when their colors are so heinously red and gold. Then there were their own surprised looks! Everyone knew that they would have these smug looks on their faces at a successful prank.

However, they were wrong. This was their doing. However, they were surprised by the results. They were sure they had only lightly sprits the hard candies. They were also sure that the Headmaster shouldn't be bald but thinning for a few days before finally going bald!

"He eats too many." They murmured, unheard by everyone.

Quickly, the twins distracted themselves with the meal in front of them. Their shocked looks had melted away into satisfied ones. Who knows what else they could do with the knowledge they had gained in those few short minutes? Only the devil would know~

Lucuis and Snape were able to keep their faces straight, although they were gleeful at the sight.

"I will be honest, this is better than they told." The silver-haired creature murmured for his closest mate.

The other gave a secret snicker in agreement. This made them both wonder what possible inconveniences those demons would make for those nasty muggles. It excited both sides of them, eager to see the results.

Soon, Dumbledore's new hair style, or lack thereof, became the talk of the school. People speculated and theorized, but there was no proof or known motive like most large pranks. Students from other Houses pulled together and talked as if no rivalry was there. Many still looked to the twins, even without evidence they would never leave anyone's minds.

Seeing and hearing all about how his brothers could have done such an act, Ron silently stewed. His brothers were once again in the forefront of everyone's minds just when he was about to make it on the Quidditch team! Then there was Hermione, who was burying herself and poor Loonsy into books. Thousands upon thousands of books about random assortment of things.

Normally, Ron would ask about it, seeing if there was any way he could pretend to help. Yet, he wasn't in the mood that night and it all seemed too complicated for him to care about it.

For nearly a month, not a single stand of white hair could be seen on Dumbledore's head of chin. It was strange and ugly to see such a regal man without his facial hair. At least their Headmaster didn't look so powerful and noble without it.

"Snape, address this." Without that noble look, Dumbledore's words appeared colder and nastier than before.

The greasy Slytherin nodded slowly, looking disinterested in the short conversation. He didn't care to spend too much time on it, instead focusing on strengthening his bond with Harry... Especially seeing how horrible he was to him. In hindsight, he should've been the adult and at least ignored the boy unless he was doing something dangerous.

Almost a full week passed before the twins stopped and gave Snape the cure. They had their fun and they weren't sure of the side effects seeing how much the man ate. Next were those disgusting muggles.

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