Chapter Eight: Controlling Rage

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Warning this is going to be a long chaptered, and sorry for not publishing for a bit. I'm currently in the process of moving so things have been wild. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter, sorry if it sounds/looks rushed.


The Disillusioned wizards were shocked to find the 'Golden Boy' being beaten over something as simple as doing the dishes via magic! He looked so horrified, like he was about to wet himself as if he did something so horribly wrong and taboo! And then Vernon's action to that? To all the begging and pleading and apologizing? No wonder the Imperious didn't work on him, no wonder he was so thin, no wonder that he was so small and meek!

It enraged them.

He was hurt and tormented, and that was from what they could see! Lucius carefully grabbed his mates' shoulders and shook his head. They couldn't kill the Dursleys just yet. They had to grab Harry and leave.

"He needs us calm and collected." He whispered to his mates.

Snape and Draco nodded, each taking a careful deep breath. Lucius moved behind Harry, the boy focusing deeply on washing the dozen or so dishes they had made for dinner. Pulling out his wand, he whispered a sleeping and levitating spell. He didn't want to grab the attention of those vile monsters.

With another swish of his wand, the dishes began to clean and dry themselves to help finish the chore. Gently, he picked the far-too-light boy up and carried him out of the house, making sure to have a of notice-me-not charm in place. His two mates were waiting for him down the street, Draco holding a suitcase that he was sure held their Heart's clothes. Though he wasn't expecting good things if his son's expression was anything to go by.

They walked a little further away from Privet Drive before they Apparated to one of the Malfoy's Cottages. It was the smallest and in the most private area that they all seemed to have agreed would be best to tell the Golden Boy what they all were. To see the true extent of the boy's pain.

Harry groaned in his sleep, curling closer to Lucius in an attempt to warm up from the chill night air and probably from the awful feeling of being Apparated while asleep. Draco pouted heavily, his eyes shining a soft silver at the sight and noise. Severus looked conflicted, if the redness of his eyes were anything to go by along with the subtle bite of his lip.

Lucius ignored all that and walked past them, hurrying up to the Master bedroom. He could hear them follow after, Snape mumbling something under his breath. They all felt very full and at the moment, they weren't thinking clearly. Doing a physical exam didn't seem like a good idea at the moment. They just needed some sleep with their little Heart and then they would see to his wounds. Of course, contacting Narcissa for that since she was the best medi-witch they knew beside Madam Pomfrey.

Quickly, the four of them cuddled, making sure to not put too much pressure on the boy's back. They will be sure to pay the Dursleys back for every mark they find, once Potter knew everything correctly. Though they were content to have him in their arms, where they knew he was safe.

Night came and went, and Harry woke up slowly. His mind was muddled, and his body felt warm but there was a reminding sting on his back. He just wanted to go back to sleep, to enjoy the warmth and safety that was basically surrounding him. He's never felt this safe before.

The young wizard suddenly snapped up, his eyes wide and his breathing tense as he looked back around him. He shouldn't feel warm and safe. His room was always cold, and he had old, near threadbare blankets that just barely staved off freezing to death! His walls were mostly bare, and he could stand in the middle of the room and just brush his fingers on either wall if he tilted to either side!

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