Chapter Twenty-Seven: From Lamb to Wolf

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Harry swallowed thickly, rubbing his hands on his pants before finally whispering the password to the Gargoyle. It moved silently passed, letting the air of unease float into the hallway behind him.

Swallowing thickly, he hurried up the steps. He was sure something bad was going to happen. He wasn't sure what, and he didn't want to know. Practically everything inside of him wanted to run away, but one part, just a small part of him, wanted to hurt him. He wasn't sure where that feeling was coming from.

Shaking his head, he took a deep breath and knocked on the wooden door. The old man opened the door, a grim look on his face. It looked tight, almost concerned and worried. He hated the sight.

"Headmaster?" He asked, putting up his shields just like Snape had taught him.

"My boy," there was a pressure on his mind, similar to what Snape did except it was much crueler. "I have something to teach you." He began, guiding the young wizard in.

"Teach me?" He whispered, a cold sweat running down his back.

"Yes, my boy." He hummed, a clearly fake look of sorrow. "I believe it is time for you to understand the mind of Voldemort."

Harry winced. He didn't want to see any of that. If not to respect his past, but just because it felt wrong.

Still, they walked over to where the memory basin was. It glowed like ice. It was frightening. The dark-haired wizard tried to step back, his throat closing up. A cold hand was placed on his small back, pushing him forward. He stumbled forward, gasping as he suddenly was thrusted into someone's memories.

What he saw was twisted, painting Voldemort as a true Slytherin. How he had planned to all of this. How he had desired this war. It was sickening.

Pulling out of it, he took a deep breath. He felt cold, clammy and disgusting. The fear inside of him quelling, becoming anger.

"He... He did all that?" His voice shook as he spoke.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the Headmaster he once valued smirking in a far crueler way than Voldemort ever could.

"Yes. Many more as well. Do you feel alright, my boy?"

He shook his head, swallowing thickly.

"No... It... It feels wrong." He admitted.

The old wizard nodded, taking a step forward. He tenderly placed a hand on his shoulder, looking so pathetically at his lamb.

"I understand... But you must learn to think like him, to understand him, even a little. It will help."

"How?" The word was hissed, closer to being nothing but Parseltongue.

The older wizard's eyes narrowed, but he kept a calm facade.

"To fight him." The room turned heavy and toxic till the man smiled. "But you must be exhausted. Go to bed for now." He murmured.

The dark-haired teen nodded slowly, his lips tight. He then hurried out of the room. He heartbeat rapidly within his chest, a disgusting feeling growing along with the flames of rage. The more he thought back to what he had saw, the more those flames grew, burning away his cowardice. However, he needed to know the truth.

"Harry?" Lucius wondered why he looked so... Empty?

The two others were by his side instantly, their glowing eyes showing concern.

"Potter?" Draco reached for him but stopped when he saw his old enemy glare so heatedly to him.

"I need to talk with Voldemort."

The three flinched back, unsure how to respond. The older blond soon nodded, standing straight and going over to where he could use the fireplace to call their lord. At least to inform him they were going over.

In mere minutes, the four of them were at Riddle Manor with Harry leading the way. His glared look making the snake wizard raise an eyebrow.

"Look into my head. All of you." Was the only thing that was said.

The group of them look at each other before they did as he had demanded. It wasn't long before they were done, each of them reeling from how disgusted they were.

"Why that..." Voldemort took a deep breath, calming himself. "I believe you would like me to explain?"

"I want the truth." Harry narrowed his eyes.

There was a pause from the Dark Lord before huffed, nodding.

"Only you." He said.

The boy made a wave of his hand, showing that he agreed to that at the very least.

It took several minutes, likely the two were quietly talking with one another, disgusting things in an even more private area. The three mates felt unsure about this. They didn't like the idea of their Heart talking with the Dark Lord alone.

Then they came back. Harry ran a hand through his hair, a scowl on his face.

"You're still an evil man."

"I never denied that."

"But," those green eyes glowed with rage and power, "he's far worse than you at the current moment."

"From what you've told me, yes."

"When this war is over, and everything is settled. You will stand trial for all your evil deeds, even if they were for the betterment of Wizard kind. Don't need another old fool trying to run the show."

The Dark Lord glared, but unlike before their heart didn't relent. There was no fear within him, and there wasn't exactly hatred either. At least, not towards the person in front of him.

Finally, the snake Wizard sighed in defeat, nodding.

"Fine. I'll have to introduce you as my new ally."

"Bellatrix would not be pleased with this." Lucius warned.

"She tries anything I'll kill her." Harry's voice was firm, his resolve set for the moment.

The meeting lasted for a few more minutes before they finally left to rest in back at Hogwarts. It was there that his mates decided that he needed to be cuddled and fed chocolate covered fruits. This had helped calm and relax him. In return, he also fed them some of the fruits. Once the food was gone, they just cuddled till they had fallen asleep.

Dumbledore now fully had made his Lamb into a Wolf. What a moron.

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