Chapter Fifteen: Hiding Lies

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Snape and the Malfoys looked annoyed the next day during breakfast. Snape looked more hunched, his scowl deeper than usual.

Harry winced at the sight, leaning into Hermione's side. She looked up, humming in a comforting manner. Ron looked between the two of them before turning to see the heated glare of the two Slytherins. He scoffed.

"Wow, they looked pissed." He laughed, grinning with food stuck in his teeth.

"Yeah... I'll likely be called to stay back in Potions..." He murmured, bowing his head a little.

Snape huffed a little, his dark eyes narrowing more on the bushy-haired girl as she whispered something into his Heart's ear. The teen looked to her, his tense body relaxing as he smiled to her. The Slytherin head felt a tinge of jealousy. Yes, Harry claimed her as a sister, but that didn't mean anything at the moment.

"Sev, breathe." Lucius whispered. "You'll just scare him away. Talk with him after class, or give him detention."

The dark-haired man sighed, nodding subtly. The two of them ate the food, listening to the pink toad as she talked about how she had gave the boy-who-lived detention. Hearing that, the two gave the woman a quiet glare, which was matched by Minerva.

Harry was hesitant to sit next to Draco after what he saw at breakfast. Hermione wasn't having it. She took him by the arm and made him sit next to his mate, lightly patting his shoulder. She then walked to her desk. She paused for a moment, to whisper in the blond's ear.

"Hurt him in any way, I'll kill you."

Silver eyes glared at her, revealing his anger at the assumption that he would purposely hurt Potter now. She glared back, no matter how uneasy it made her feel, she wasn't about to let this prat think she would allow him to abuse her brother.

A few tense seconds passed before they both backed down as Snape entered the room. The billowing robed professor taught as he usually did, except he had targeted Harry once again. This time calling him out to stay with him and Draco after the lesson. The room seemed to be staring the poor boy down. 

Draco noticed that Harry was squirming a little, his wand hand twitching and his fingers moving as if playing a piano. He frowned and looked to his older mate, giving him a silent look to tone the aggression down.

It seemed to work as he proceeded to target others, scolding them just a bit more harshly than he did with Harry, not that many people would've noticed as their potions were swished a way.

"Potter, stay after class." The Slytherin head drawled.

The dark-haired student nodded, his green eyes glancing to Hermione. She gave him a comforting smile and a quiet nod, telling him he was safe. He took a deep breath and released it slowly, focusing back on his work.

It wasn't easy, but he made it through class and patiently waited for everyone to leave. Draco, of course, stayed behind. The room was a bit tense, the dark-haired teen constantly fidgeted in his seat.

"Harry," said boy the flinched despite how gentle the voice sounded. "Harry, why didn't you come and stay with us last night?" Snape knelt to Harry's side, tilting his head a little to look more to the teen's face.

Harry opened and closed his mouth a little before shaking his head.

"I just wanted to see Hermione... I told her and the twins... About us."

Draco nodded, scoffing a little.

"She threatened me. Like I would actively harm my mate."

At this Harry raised an eyebrow, looking a little more amused at the statement.

"Now that I know." The blond corrected.

Harry giggled and nodded.

"Will you come by and spend the night with us? You can see her in your other classes." Draco sat up straighter, and having spent enough time with him, looked excited.

He wanted to say yes, he hadn't slept as good as he had when he was with them. He had tossed and turned basically all night, and when he did sleep, they weren't necessarily good dreams. Yet, he had detention once again, and he didn't know what that toad would do to him.

Weakly, he shook his head.

"Hermione might be somewhat okay with us, but the twins?"

Draco's excitement turned into a frown and a nod. Even he knew better than to cross the twins. The horror stories that the older Slytherins had told on why the Weasley twins were off-limits was something to be both admired and cautionary.

"Alright... In the next month then?" He offered.

Harry nodded, pausing when he felt a soft kiss being pressed on the top of his head. He closed his eyes and relaxed into it, almost drifting away with how peaceful he felt. Severus chuckled, gently wrapping his arms around the smaller male's body and giving him a gentle squeeze.

"Be safe. If you need to talk, you can always come to us." He murmured before finally releasing the teen.

An inaudible whine left the green-eyed wizard, but he gathered the rest of his things and left with a nod. Draco didn't follow him out, instead he looked to his elder.

"He's hiding something." He mentioned.

The glamoured man nodded, a deep frown on his lips. He didn't know what their Heart could be hiding as it could be a number of things, but there was one thing he did know.

"Don't push. Pushing will likely make him shut down. We either need to catch him in a lie or have him be comfortable enough to talk with us."

The blond nodded, finally standing up. He nodded his own goodbye and left, a growing worry now growing in their guts.

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