Chapter Twenty-Six: Occlumency

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After talking with his mate's guardians, Severus had decided that Harry needed to learn Occlumency. It was a useful skill that the teen needed to learn now that he knew the truth.

"What's that?"

"In simple terms, it is the best way to keep people from reading your minds. Both Dumbledore and the Dark Lord have that ability. It also would be a protection against compulsion."

The young wizard straightened his back, looking nervous. He understood the importance. However, the knowledge that Dumbledore could have been peeping into his mind without him knowing left a sour taste in his mouth.

"Do you..."

"Only once would be needed, to see if you were going to be on his side easily."

Snape watched as the boy's face scrunched in disgust, his tongue darting out.

The older magic user leaned down and kissed the boy's head, running his hands through his hair.

"I'll need to be offered it, but I can quietly teach you some things to help you fend him off without alerting him."

Harry nodded, taking a deep breath. After that, he went off to find Draco and Hermione for his magic lessons as the two of them had decided. Of course, the blond brat had whined about their older mates having too much of his time, so the bushy haired witch told him that his Heart was still needing tutoring.

While he was learning the properties of runes and why they were important in crafting new and complex spells, Snape went to Lucius about what he wanted to text their Heart.

"Yes... We should teach Draco as well. He's likely to be spied on with how often he is with Harry."

For nearly a month, that was what the two did. They had also tried to teach them the Patronus spell, to which the three of them were surprised by the sight of their Heart easily casting a buck. Of course, Draco saw his face scrunch up in that thinking look.

"Harry?" The blond asked, shifting closer.

Wordlessly, the green-eyed wizard casted the spell again, letting his mind think of how happy and peaceful he had been with his mates. Instantly, another Patronus flew from the tip of his wand. The light glowed sweeter, the phoenix flying around before gracefully gliding onto Draco's shoulder, chirping softly.

The four of them gapped at the sight. Quickly, they were chittering with each other, the Purebloods and Professor praised the young boy for it. It took the young Pureblood several tries before he finally got a small weasel, making Harry snicker playfully. This caused a playful fight between the two that interrupted the lesson for the day.

After that month, Albus contacted Severus on teaching Harry Occlumency. The cold Slytherin sneered, his eyes easily proclaiming rage. He tried to argue against it, claiming that he was a spy for the Dark Lord. That should Lucuis see him personally teaching the boy anything, he could tell said terror!

There was a twitch of the old fool's mouth, his twinkling eyes betraying his glee at how the very thought of him being found out brought him. He wanted the Slytherin to be caught and killed. Perhaps this wasn't his first thought, but now that it was brought to his attention, he quite liked it.

With a firmer stance, he pushed his fellow co-worker to do as he said, for the greater good. With a huff and upturned nose, he flowed out. This was the very response that he was expecting, and he was gleeful to have seen it. It meant that everything that he was seeing from the lamb was likely just him getting help from Granger. She was a nuisance, but she would be dealt with later.

With the approval he was looking for, Snape went more in depth on teaching his youngest mate. He learned swiftly which ways to teach the boy without causing him too much pain and whenever he broke through, he made sure to not go too far into his memories. He didn't want to pry without Harry's consent.

Draco was much easier to teach, learning it at a faster pace, so the Potion's master began to teach him Legilimency. It was sometime after their official lessons, that their Heart had asked something of them.

"My friends... My real friends, wouldn't they... Wouldn't they be in danger? They're close to me, and once he's unable to... I tell them everything." He looked stressed, pulling at the ends of his shirt.

The older mates talked about it, seeing both pros and cons with teaching such a large group. However, it wasn't a long talk. They agreed Harry needed people he could talk to that wasn't them or as connected to the Dark Lord/Dumbledore like Narcissa and the dog Wizards.

It was a troubling next few months after that, with the Slytherins and Gryffindors having to tip toe around each other without alerting those loyal to Dumbledore. The twins and Hermione caught onto the lessons as fast as Draco had with Nevile being the weakest link and Luna... Well, Snape couldn't exactly remember what he had seen inside her head, making her give a curious look to the Muggle-born.

With his friends helping him, the twins somehow learning Legilimency, Potter's mental shields had grown stronger and stronger. Some part of him was proud, till Dumbledore called for him. Alone.

Now was a real test. A test to see whether or not he could fool the Headmaster... By Merlin does he hope he can.

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