Chapter Nineteen: Quick End of Umbridge

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"I saw them! They're monsters!" The toad of the woman screamed, jamming a finger toward Lucius and Severus.

The two Slytherins narrowed their eyes, the Slytherin Head raising an eyebrow. They kept quiet as they allowed the Aurors to attempt to get her under control. Despite her short stature and chubby size, she was seemingly stronger than she looked.

"Monsters!" She screeched more, jolting toward them.

Growing annoyed with her antics, the Auror's just stunned her before she could lay a hand on a Lord. Officially pacified, two Aurors picked her up leaving the third to talk with the Slytherins, Madame Pomfrey and Vice Headmaster McGonagall. 

The two Fanged Dowagers glared darkly at the Auror, who openly falted and paled.

"You have the quills?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Do they have her magic?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Have you looked over the files and wound on Mr. Potter?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

McGonagall stepped forward; her head tilted up in a manner that caused the younger Wizard to wilt.

"Then what more do you need?" She scowled.

He gulped a little, pulling out several small crystal orbs. The latest magical thing that helps record voices with no spell or curse or enchantment to twist the words.

"V-Verbal confirmation, Ma'am..." The Auror squeaked.

The tough woman nodded, stepping back and "shrinking" in a way. Seeing as she wasn't hostile anymore, the Auror cleared his throat, asking each of them to a separate room to fill one of the crystal orbs with their testimony.

Eventually it was Harry's turn. Madame Pomfrey refused to leave the infirmary, to leave Harry's side as he was interviewed. The older witch didn't want to give the Auror a chance to ask loaded questions. She heard all about his bogus trial from Lucius. How disgusting of them.

The green-eyed teen looked to his nurse, confusion and fear showing in those eyes. Eyes she realized never truly held a child-like gleam within them. It was heartbreaking.

So, she gave a sweet smile and gently grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. She couldn't say much, other than to help the boy understand the questions given to him, and to make sure they weren't misleading.

She watched and listened like a hawk; her unsarcastically cold gaze narrowed down to the wizard. He squirmed a little, his voice stuttering a little. It wasn't long before he was done, quickly taking his leave.

"Madame Pomfrey... What'll happen now..." Harry couldn't look at her, a sick feeling within his stomach.

The older witch gently patted his shoulder, smiling sweetly to him.

"She'll face her punishment. If not, then the Wizarding World will be up in arms! That's for sure!"

He laughed a little at the strange voice she used, giving her a simple smile back.

"Thank you... She at least won't be teaching right?"

Madame Pomfrey opened her mouth to speak, but the broad doors to the Wing were thrown open by the lavishly decorated Headmaster who was followed by his Vice Headmistress. The two didn't look happy, Dumbledore holding that signature disappointed look that always made Potter feel his skin crawl with so many different emotions. At the current time, it was disgust.

The grey-haired wizard was by the younger's side soon enough, giving a grim smile.

"Harry my boy," the words felt bitter, "I see you have gotten in trouble again."

"Sorry, Headmaster." His head naturally fell at the older wizard's cold words. They were something he heard every time he had narrowly escaped some plan from Voldemort... Or were they all Dumbledore's plans? He wasn't sure about it.

"Now, listen here, Headmaster!" Madame Pomfrey growled, "It's not his fault that you and the Ministery can't pick good Professors that won't attack students or are competent enough to properly teach them."

With glee, the two Dowager ladies watched as the Headmaster's image faltered for a moment in rage. It was easy to see for these women that he had more ego than magic. It would be great to poke more fun at him. If only to see him like this.

"There is only so much I can see and do, Madame Pomfrey." His voice played as if he was truly sorrowful, but that only annoyed the two women.

"The perhaps I should take over more duties." McGonagall hummed, a thin smile on her lips.

The bearded fool winced under her sharp gaze but played it off as a laugh.

"Ah! You're quite right! Perhaps I should! But you're already busy enough-"

"I am Vice Headmistress, I think it is time I train someone to take over my spot anyhow." She waved a dismissive hand. Her attention soon enough turned to the boy. Her cold look softened and she reached toward him, patting his head. "You did good. Next time a teacher or student makes you uncomfortable, tell me or Madame Pomfrey. Okay?"

The boy nodded, almost eagerly. He didn't need to hear anymore words to know that she would do all that she could to help him. He wasn't sure that he would tell her or others, but it did make him feel better.

McGonagall turned sharply on her heel, facing her glare to the Headmaster.

"Let's get my full promotion done." Her voice was clipped.

Dumbledore's lips thinned before he nodded, silently following the woman back out of the room. Madame Pomfrey huffed when the doors thud closed. She smiled to the boy, lightly pushing him down.

"Get some rest. Tomorrow you can go back to your room."

He relaxed, quietly nodding to her. Having to recount what was done to him had surprisingly left him exhausted. Snuggling under the slightly scratchy blanket, he fell asleep easily.

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