𝐢. yet another bastard

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❝she looked like a religious icon,

 like somebody you'd sacrifice yourself for❞

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Visenya had slipped from her quarters early that morning, her mothers labours having started as the sun rose and waking her from a dream. A dream of a dragon, as most of her dreams were. It was always the same one.

A black scaled beast with red eyes and wings that could covers entire villages in flight. She could hear its cry, a musical wail as fire bust from its throat that could bend melt steel and stone, could fuse sand into glass.

Balerion, her black dread.

The silver haired girl sighed as she made her way through the castle, not truly knowing where she was going to go. Most likely the library as she usually did. As she had no dragon, she tried to make herself more useful in learning histories, becoming fluent in high Valyrian and soaking up all she could so there would be some reason for her mother not to merely kick her from the red keep.

"Visenya dear?" A voice called from behind her and she turned, the swish of her light blue dress heard upon the stones. "What are you doing awake at this hour?"

"I'm not sure as of yet, your grace." Visenya said pleasantly to Alicent as the Queen glided down the hall to the girl. "I was awoken some time ago and could not find rest."

"Ah yes, your mothers labours are quite loud." Alicent said, earning a small smile from the smaller girl before her. "If it helps, I was surely much worse with Helaena."

"I don't think that's possible, your grace."

"Oh please, Visenya my dear." Alicent said, smiling down at her and putting a hand on her shoulder. "How many times have I told you to call me Alicent or even mother, as soon enough you will be part of our family."

Visneya looked down with a smile, a blush creeping up her neck at Alicent's words. She and Aemond were not to be wed for some time still, Helaena and Aemond were going to be first and then it would be their turn.

"Of course, Alicent." Visneya said once again meeting the Queen's eyes. She missed the blink of slight disappointment in Alicent's eyes at her words but smiled once more down at the girl.

"Would you like to keep me company while we wait for your new sibling?"

"Of course." Visenya said and Alicent took her hand and the two went down towards the Queens rooms, the sound of Rhaenyra's screams echoing through the castle.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Visenya and Alicent had spent a fair amount of time with one another alone before so there was no awkwardness as they spent the early hours of that day in each others company, having breakfast and talking of life at court. As the sun rose to its quarter in the sky at the ninth hour of the day, a maid burst through the doors of the Queen's rooms.

"The Princess Rhaenyra has given birth to a son!"

Alicent looked to Visenya who did not look the least bit overjoyed at the news, stirring her tea far too many times for it to be out of need. The Queen felt pity for the girl, she knew how it felt to fall out of Rhaenyra's favour.

"Tell the Princess I would like him brought to me." The Queen said, taking a sip of her tea. "Immediately."

The maid looked dumbfounded for a moment but then the Queen gave her a look and she scurried away, the door closing behind her. 

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now