𝐢𝐢𝐢. we only see each other at weddings and funerals

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❝this was her gift,

she filled you with words you 

didn't know were there❞

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

The rolling landscape of Westeros moved slowly by as the royal family jostled about in their carriage, Heleana's head rested on Visenya's shoulder as they made their way to Driftmark for Lady Laena's funeral. Visenya did not know the woman very well but she was well respected by most of court and so the procession was formed.

"Black will break from blacks, as affection it lacks. Twin flame burns brighter as love grips them tighter and the crown shall fall to maroon." Helaena mumbled as she dozed on Visenya's shoulder. 

Alicent, who sat on the other side of her dreamy daughter, met eyes with Visenya for a moment at her words but they brushed it off as they always did. 

"Are we nearly there yet?" Aegon whined from opposite the women, Aemond sat to his right so he could watch his betrothed peacefully stay at the window.

"Patience, Aegon." Alicent sighed, eyes flitting to Viserys who was propped up by pillows and not entirely present during the journey.

"But we didn't even know the woman." Aegon said, wistfully dreaming of his bed back at Kings Landing.

"We need to show respect." Aemond said, meeting Visenya's eyes as she looked to him when he spoke. "She's our Aunt."

Aegon groaned, his head rolling back as he slumped in his seat much to Visenya's amusement. The older brother grinned at that. Although she was his brother's betrothed, he had always held some semblance of a flame for the girl. She was, after all, undeniably beautiful and good humoured and charming to anyone she met. Aegon wasn't wrong to fall in love with her.

Aemond knew of his brother's... fondness of his betrothed and found some semblance of triumph in the fact that she was going to be his, not his brother who already had the dragon and maybe someday the crown. The only pure, good, lovely thing in this world was Visenya and she was his not Aegon's.

"Just ten minutes left, your graces." A knight of the Kings guard called from his horse by the window of the carriage.

"Funerals." Viserys said with a soft smile, trying to lighten the energy within his family. "Nothing like it to bring the family together."

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

The sun beat down on the high-born families at Lady Laena's funeral, the golden light glinting off the waves of the ocean around driftmark and the silvery hair of the Targaryen's. The dead woman's coffin lay before them like a morbid reminder of where they would all end up. Some sooner rather than later.

Visenya stood beside Aemond, their hands brushing one another with each movement but neither made any move to remove the touch. Some may have said that Visenya should have stood with her mother and brothers but the thought hadn't even occurred to her.

She felt no true ill will to her brother's, they had never been truly cruel to her but they treated her more like a cousin than a sister. Sometimes she missed them and their laughter but then she was reminded why they were parted. Who parted them.

Rhaenyra's eyes flickered to her daughter every so often but Visenya would not give her the pleasure of knowing that at times, she wished to be a child again. To be held by her mother as she slept. To feel the stinging pain of grazing her knee and having her mother clean the wound instead of throw salt into the wounds her mother created.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now