𝐱. the rise of a king and the fall of a queen

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!! attempted SA and talk of blood !!

❝I want them to flinch, think twice

before they reach out their callous hands to bruise

I want to be a constant reminder to men

that not everything is their for the taking❞

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Aegon held a weary Visenya by the shoulder as they disappeared through the labyrinthine hallways of the Red Keep. The mother to be did not feel as safe as she did with Aemond, the older brothers hands burning into her shoulders the more they walked.

Visenya was weary, a tired women with a never ending weight within her that came with childbearing but she was not too tired to realise that they were supposed to have already reached her chambers. That they were far from her side of the castle.

"Aegon." Visenya said, stopping in the hallway and feeling a vipers gaze upon her face as the Prince looked at her. "Where are we going."

It had not been a question but Aegon smirked all the same as he answered.

"I'm going to provide you, my Visenya, with mercy." Aegon said, leaning in to whisper in her as his grip on her shoulders tightened. "I'm going to show you what a real man's, a real king's cock is."

"Aegon you are drunk, I know a King when I see one and you, Aegon the drunkard will never even be real man." Visenya hissed. Aegon's jaw clenched and he immediately pushed her against the wall, her hands shooting to her stomach to protect her child but Aegon licked his lips at the sight. "Stop."

"You should be careful what you do now." Aegon said, breath hot on her neck as his eyes roamed her body. She could smell the alcohol on her tongue. "If you step out of line I will not only wring your pretty neck but your child will be dead for your insolence."

Visenya wanted to spit in his face and to slit his throat and burn his remains all at once but for once, the ruthless rider of Balerion the Black Dread could only glare up at him. He threatened her child, she would do anything to potent her children.

But she would not ruin herself because she was afraid. She would never ruin herself for a man. What kind of example would that show her children?

"Please, Aegon." Visenya said, swallowing her pride for the safety of her children. "You don't want to do this."

"Oh I do." Aegon hissed, his hands roaming her body as she tried to break from his grip. "This is all I have wanted to do ever since my brother was betrothed to you. I am better than him in every way and yet the one eyed shell of a man got you."

Aegon was spoiled on promises of the Iron Throne, something he had never wanted but being entitled to something that grand even if you never wished for it makes you as rotten as the teeth of a dead man.

Visenya went to hit the Prince but he was not slow yet with his drink, snatching her hand before it hit his face. His other hand reaching beneath her skirt as Visenya let out a shriek, kicking with all she could as he pressed her further against the wall.

"Slippery little, whore." Aegon said as she struggled, trying desperately to silence her before anyone heard. "You should be grateful that I'm helping you see the light after so long with my brother and his surely pathetic cock."

"Oh Aegon." Visenya said, not ceasing her struggle as she flew there wrist bruise under his grasp. "You may be the biggest cock in the kingdoms but Aemond has-"

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now