𝐯𝐢𝐢. i'll never love a boy the way i love the ocean

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❝your laughter vines through my hair,

roots growing into my heart❞

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

The days had passed all too quickly for Visenya's liking and the day of Helaena and Aegon's wedding had arrived. It was to be held as all weddings were in the Great Sept of Baelor with most high houses in attendance.

Except for Rhaenyra.

Her mother had still not forgiven her for the betrayal at Driftmark and had not been at court since. Visenya would lie if she said she didn't feel the sting of her mothers absent sometimes but the pain had become smaller over the years. Alicent had cleaned and wrapped the wounds her mother had inflicted, she had become a balm to fit the shape of the mother that had left her/

Visenya brushed through her tangled hair shortly after she and Aemond had awoken in a panic, realising they had duties to attend to on the sacred day rather than lounge around in bed as they did so often. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Aemond had left her company.

Instead of calling for her maids, she chose to dress herself, concealing Aemond's marks on her neck and various other places with a concealing paste she had mixed in the apothecary, secret filled with women like her. Women who still carried the magic of old Valyria.

As she finished lacing up the back of her emerald green dress, someone knocked on her door.

"Who is it?" Visenya called, pulling on a necklace of Valyrian steel that Aemond had gifted, made from his own sword.

"Prince Daemon, Princess." Her guard called from outside the door and Visenya's face lit up.

"Send him in!"

Daemon walked through the door with the usual swagger he seemed to enter any room in, a grin on his lips when he saw his daughter who immediately rushed to embrace him. He chuckled and met her with open arms as he always did.

"Hello, little rogue." Her father said, stroking her hair in their embrace.

Daemon had chosen her all those years ago, not the greens she called family but her. He had left Rhaenyra to her team of blacks and became neutral, his only loyalty was to his daughter. Daemon had made good on his promise, sending her ravens so often she could never truly feel he had forgotten her and visiting her at every occasion possible.

Including today.

"I'm glad you're here." Visenya said as she pulled away from the embrace, violet eyes glinting in joy. "This wedding may be the most horrible event of the century."

"And why is that, sweet child?"

"Well it would be for anyone who has to marry Aegon." Visenya said gravely, remembering Helaena's expression a mere few days before.

"Yes well, luckily you got the other brother." Daemon grumbled at the mention of Aemond whom he was not completely fond of even six years later. "Although luck may not be how I would describe-"

Visenya swatted her father's arm at that, amused at the quarrel between her father and lover, one of whom seemed to worship the other.

"Hush." She said and he rolled his eyes good-naturedly at his daughter.

"Alright, we'll discuss this further at a later date." Daemon said, looking down at the younger girl. "Perhaps your wedding date? Whenever will that be?"

"Her grace has not set a date as of yet." Visenya said, answering him with an expression he could not place. "Alicent wants us to spend more time together before we are wed."

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now