𝐱𝐢. and there's nothing like a mad woman

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❝I am the bad daughter, the freedom fighter,

the shaper of death masks,

I am the snake, I am the crone❞

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Alicent felt as though she was a little girl again, a constant pawn for her father's use on a board full of men. Powerless was the only way to describe herself in that moment as she was told of what had transpired outside of the birthing room.

Viserys was dead and Aegon was about to be crowned King.

She had not even been told by her own father who had given up on her and gone ahead with his plan after she had refused to leave Visenya's side. And now she would have to be the one to tell her.

Aegon was no longer her son the moment she discovered he had raped a woman years ago. But now he was not even a man to her, let alone a king.

She watched from a crack in the door, after the messenger darted away down the hall, watching Aemond and Visneya hold their children. The maestors and maids had gone, along with baby Daela's body to prepare it for burning so the small family were alone, a baby in each parents arms.

Neither baby had any discernible features other than similar, striking violet eyes that they had inherited from their mother and wisps of silvery hair. But they were peaceful babes as compared to how they were brought into this world.

Motherhood suited a tired Visneya, whose head rested on her husbands shoulder with her fingers grasped by Alicent the younger. Aemond could not tear his eyes from his wife and children, such a tenderness in his eye that Alicent felt her soul splinter.

"Visenya, Aemond." She said, walking in carefully. Choosing her words with caution. "There has been a situation."

"What kind of situation?" Visenya asked, struggling to sit up as she spoke.

"I'm sorry, my dear, Viserys is dead. They've locked the Prince Daemond and Princess Rhaenys in their chambers" Alicent said, swallowing her own grief as she watched Visenya's expression change. "And Aegon is on his way to the Sept to be crowned."

"But Aegon never wanted to be king, Rhaenyra is heir." Aemond said, wrapping his arm around his wife to pull her close.

"My father claims that in Viserys last breath he wished for 'a change in the succession.' That he wished for Aegon." Alicent said, her voice as strong as it could be as she watched a tear fall from Visenya's eyes. "And Rhaenyra has been struck from the inheritance as future Queen."

"But then surely if she is no longer heir it is Visenya's birthright." Aemond said, ever his wife's defender. "She is Rhaenyra's first born daughter in an event like this."

"Aegon will not give up and if I know anything about the blood of the dragon, Rhaenyra will not either." Alicent said, pursing her lips. She walked to Visenya's bed side and grasped the other woman's hands. "Aemond is right, you are the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Visenya."

"You would vouch for me?" The new mother asked, looking up into the Queen's eyes. The tears were gone and all Alicent could see was a true Queen. "Over your own son? Over your father?"

"Aegon is no more my son than Otto is my father." Alicent said. She would never take Rhaenyra's side but she would take Visenya's. "But you are my daughter and the next in line, you are who Viserys vouched for at his death bed, I'm sure of it."

Aemond's eye flickered to his wife, her hair still loose and a nightgown draped her body but she was as much a queen in this room than she would be in silks and a crown. His Queen, the kingdoms true Queen.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now