𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. first act of godhood

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❝I am quite choked with tenderness for you, my love,

it makes me a bit pathetic to love you so much❞

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

As the talk of Aegon and Helaena's wedding died down over the course of a year, it seemed the only words that could leave anyone's lips throughout all of Kings Landing were:

"When shall the prince Aemond and princess Visenya be wed?"

"It is strange how quickly small folks interests shift." Visenya remarked one afternoon as she and Alicent took tea together in the Queen's chambers. Alicent laughed at that.

"I cannot see how you have never been an interest of the common folk, sweet girl." She said proudly, taking a sip of her tea as she spoke. "What with all your charity work and public appearances with the king, you're everything the small folk could want in a princess."

"You've always been too kind to me, your Grace." The younger said with a soft smile that Alicent returned.

"Now, the small folk and I have something in common." Alicent said, her tone business like now as she set her tea cup down and leaning forward to her makeshift daughter. "When do you wish to be wed to my son?"

"You're giving me the choice?" Visenya asked, her eyes wide at the sudden shift in conversation.

"Of course." Alicent said, a smile gracing her lips. "My son has been hounding for your nuptials to hurry along and I see no point in denying him any longer."

Alicent had in fact been chased out of small council meetings by her second born, his remaining eye flaming with determination as he demanded to be married to his betrothed like a man starved of his longings. 

Visenya rolled her eyes at Alicent's words, picturing Aemond chasing after his mother like a child. Although Aemond was truly a fierce sight to others as the ruthless rider of Vhagar and prince of the Seven Kingdoms, Visenya had never been given a reason to get him and believed she never would.

"Oh of course, gods forbid we make the Prince wait any longer." Visenya said, eyes glinting in amusement at the thought.

"And so?" The Queen pressed, knowing the answer already from the fond look in her daughters eyes. 

"At times, I forget we are not yet truly married." Visenya said truthfully and Alicent reached out to grasp the younger girls hands.

"Than we should not make love wait any longer, my dear child."

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Visenya walked aimlessly through the corridors of the Red Keep, her gold detailed dress trailing along behind her. Sometimes, when no one was in the castle and all had taken their leave for the fresh air of nature, she found comfort in the stillness.

The girl had just spent must of the day with her grandsire talking as they always did of many things such as philosophy, histories, the adventures Visenya and Aemond hoped to take one day on dragon back. After so many years of it being Visenya who listened as Viserys spoke, the ageing man had little energy to have heated discussions as they once did.

Nevertheless, he still frequently requested his granddaughters presence. She still made him feel somewhat alive on this plane of existence, that was Visenya's affect.

But still, the king had duties and eventually she took her leave of him, wandering the halls now in search of something to do.

When all of a sudden, she found her wrists grasped above her head, pushed against the walls of the castle. Her captor smelled of dragon, silver hair swayed behind him as he attacked her slender neck, with desperate kisses.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now