𝐯𝐢. too well tangled in my soul

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❝you taste like god

but heaven knows you were built for sin❞

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"We are to be married soon."

Aemond Targaryen chuckled as he glanced down at his betrothed, her head on his chest as he twirled a fragment of her silver spun, soft long curls. It seemed she had grown more lovely with every passing day since he had met her.

The girl of ten years of age who had taken a rock to the side of the head had grown into a woman of six and ten, slender and luminous in everything she did. He was in constant awe of her.

"That we are, my love." He said as she set her book down. Aemond glanced at the cover, there was no print as his betrothed would not be that easily caught with a book of potions.

That was another development, the girls sudden interest in witchcraft like her namesake Visenya. It was a practice punishable by death in the seven kingdoms but only Aemond knew and he would never tell on his wife to be.

"Oh don't sound too excited, darling." Visenya huffed, burrowing her face into his chest as he laughed once more. He wrapped his arms around her and she looked up at him, he captured her lips in a searing kiss with all the passion he had in his soul foe the girl, one hand on her jaw to keep her in position. He released her lips after a moment.

"Now do you think I'm excited, love." Aemond said, resting his head against Visenya's forehead.

"A little." His betrothed said slightly out of breath. "Maybe I need a bit more convincing."

He grinned at her and the two were about resume their activity from the comfort of Visenya's bed when he door burst open. Helaena stood in the doorframe, not even looking at the bed as she paced up and down.

Aemond groaned, leaning against the head board as he rubbed his eye with one hand. It seemed the two could never truly have peace in this lifetime.

"They have decided a date for Aegon and I's wedding." Helaena said as paced, surely burning a hole in Visenya's carpet as she did so. The two lovers glanced at one another and then back to the girl before them. "It's so soon, I would've thought we had much longer but..."

"Oh my dear Helaena." Visenya said, pity in her heart as she slipped from Aemond's grasp and went to comfort his sister. His betrothed brought Helaena in for a hug, stroking her hair lightly as she did so. "It will be alright."

"Darkest green from black is bright, love is it's ever healing light."" Helaena cried out, throwing herself into her soon to be sister in laws arms. Looking over her shoulder, Visenya caught Aemond's eye and he shrugged. No one ever truly understood what Helaena said.

"I must go." Helaena sniffled, her voice hoarse from unshed tears. "Mother wants me fitted for a gown this afternoon."

"I'm sure you'll look beautiful." Visenya said, fixing some hair that had fallen from one of Halaena's braids. The dreamy girl gave her one last sad smile and slipped from the room.

Visenya stared at the door that Helaena had disappeared through moments before for a spell before turning slowly to her betrothed who still lay in her bed. He was watching her with a curious look in his eyes and still did as she slipped back into the bed beside him and he enveloped her in his arms. Her fingers traced shapes quietly across his bare chest before asking.

"What is it?" She asked, looking up at him as she could feel his eyes on her even when she looked away.

"I was just thinking about what a wonderful mother you could be."

Visenya went silent at that, her fingers stopped it's tracing and she seemed to be in an altogether different world. He stroked wisps of hair back behind her ear.

"Come back to me, my love." Aemond said gently as Visneya blinked out of her stupor. "Where did you go?"

"A place where what you said would've been true." She said with a small sad smile that made his heart break slightly.

"Why would it not be?"

"You know my mother, Aemond." Visenya said with a sigh, resting her head against his chest one more as his fingertips stroked comforting lines up and down her arms. "I couldn't risk being like her and creating... creating someone like me."

His comforting patterns stopped and he shifted so he could lift her chin to meet his eyes. The usual fire he saw in his lovers eyes had been burnt to a mere crisp. He hated Rhaenyra for this, for making the girl who held Westeros together with a single smile feel as though she was worth nothing.

"I think that's quite insulting to someone who love you like fire loves the kindling, my darling." Aemond said, his voice low although their was no one in the room. "If I have to spend the rest of my life trying to prove to you how worthy you are of whatever you wish I shall and I'll do so with pleasure."

Visenya kissed him gently, her lips soft like hyacinth petals but as addictive as any drug to Aemond. She pulled away first, his hand resting on her hips.

"I'm glad you believe that, my love." She said, not meeting his eyes. "But a child would not."

"Do you want a child?"

"Gods Aemond, marry me first." Visenya laughed and he rolled his eye as she cocked her head at him. "But I had always dreamed one day I would have children, I'm not sure why it's like how I know I like to read. It came pre-ordained in my memory."

"Then you shall have a child." Aemond said and he lifted his betrothed up and set her down on the bed so he hovered above her. "And you shall make the most kind, loving, accepting mother there shall ever be in the history of Westeros."

"One day, perhaps." Visenya smiled up at him, toying with the necklace that had hung from his neck ever since she gifted it to him on his thirteenth name day. Balerion and Vhagar, flying together in the same style as the Targaryen family crest.

He studied her face, how her silvery hair created an almost halo like effect as it splay out behind her on the pillows, the mid morning sun bleeding into the bedroom. How did he get so lucky?

"You are nothing like your mother, 'Enya." Aemond said quietly, stroking her soft cheek with his calloused hand. "You're so much more than your blood."

"And you are nothing like your brother." Visenya said, taking his hand and kissing the palm gently. "Thank goodness for that, or I'd be the one married in a week."

"I wouldn't mind being married in a week."

"Oh good I'll go tell Helaena and the two of you can switch!" Visenya said with smirk but he grabbed her by the hips and hoisted her to his lap so quickly she let out a small yelp in shock.

"I will not be marrying anyone other than you." He said, kissing and nipping at her neck as arched back to his touch. "You're mine."

Her breathy moans filled the room as his assault on her neck continued. These practices before marriage were generally forbidden, but they hadn't truly broken their fasts yet. Her maidenhead was still hers, but the rest of her skin belonged to him. For these sins, surely they should never be allowed into heaven but as he tasted her skin on his lips no heaven by any Gods power should be able to make a paradise like this. It would be impossible.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now