𝐱𝐢𝐢. the mother of dragons

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❝finally a sin worth hurting for,

a fervor,

a sweet - you are mine

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

As Visenya's pregnancy progressed, she refused to be domesticated as a soon to be mother like many other noblewomen were made. But she was the Princess, she was Rhaenyra's heir and the dragon within her would not lick its paws in bed all day. No, it would fly.

She flew well into her second trimester, Balerion the Black Dread seen flying across the sky with Vhagar not far behind. Although the Maesters and even the Queen herself had advised Aemond to wrangle the wild Visenya down, her husband refused. 

"The day my wife does as anyone tells her is the day we should fear the doom of Westeros." He said to any who asked as he proudly watched his wife swell with child beneath silken skirts.

The court observed the couple as the pregnancy progressed and never had they seen a man so devoted to his wife. Aemond was at every meeting with the maestors, moving like magnets as she would go, he would follow. The pregnancy had been a happy one, one that made Visenya's fear of motherhood dilute.

Only one thing seemed to unsettle the mother to be, her own mother was returning to her company. After seven years of silence, Rhaenyra would be returning to Kings Landing to fight for her sons inheritance. Not to see her daughter.

Visenya rubbed her stomach as she shifted once more in the bed. She was only half-way through her pregnancy and yet the child seemed to have enough energy to relentlessly disturb it's mother. 

"Shh." Aemond said gently, hand reaching through the moonlight to lay a hand on his wife's stomach. Drawing shapes on her skin. "Let your mother rest, byka zaldrīzes." [little dragon]

Visenya felt Aemond cup her face with one hand and brush along the curve of her cheekbone with all the tenderness someone like him could muster. 

"And what is filling your dear mother with anxiety?" Aemond asked, his voice low as she could make out the twinkle of his remaining eye through the darkness of the chambers. 

"The Maestors say anxiety is not good for the baby." Visenya muttered, sighing as she felt the child wriggle itself once more.

"I'm more worried with your wellbeing, my love." Her husband said, kissing her forehead as she allowed herself to relax into his touch. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. Neither said anything for a while until Aemond heard the uneasy breathing of his wife, still awake. "What's wrong, Visenya?"

"My mother." She said, her voice heavy with emotion and Aemond twirled one of her soft curls around his finger as she spoke. "She's going to be here soon, for Gods know how long and she-s just going to... I just don't want to see her again Aemond."

"I know, my love." He hummed, pressing his lips against her head. 

"I fear she'll plant seeds of doubt in my mind." Visenya said, her breaths quickening. "That seeing her again will remind me how hopeless motherhood will be for me-"

"You will be the greatest, most loving mother there has ever been." Aemond said, gently moving his wife's head to face him. Her eyes shining with unshed tears in the most painful way. "You are allowed to grieve for the child that you could have been but you are everything Rhaenyra is not."

Suddenly, Visenya gasped. Her hands flew to her stomach as she held her breath. Aemond's eyes widened, sitting up immediately so he would be ready to run to the Maestor if something was wrong. His wide merely looked up at him, relief awash in her features.

"Oh sit down." She said, a grin gracing her lips. "They've finally ended their vicious assault on my womb."

Aemond chuckled as he returned to her side, nipping her ear affectionately as he pressed yet another kiss to the side of her head.

"Don't scare me like that again." 

"Oh yes, next time we'll have to call a maestor for you." Visenya said, a smirk on her face as she settled herself on the pillows. "Is your heart alright, my love?"

"Around you? Never." Aemond said, his hand finding the swell of her stomach as it always did. "You said 'they.'"

"Yes, I suppose I did." She said fondly, looking over her shoulder at her husband. "Helaena predicted 'two hearts' and with the strength of their kicks I can only assume twins."

Aemond smiled fondly as he felt a gentle kick beneath his palm. Their children, warm within the woman he loved more than anything. He had always wanted a dragon but he never knew how much that desire paled in comparison to the life he had always wanted with Visenya. His Queen.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"Princess Rhaenyra." Alicent greeted as she opened the doors to the chamber Rhaenyra had been given to await the Queens arrival after visiting with her Lord father Viserys. Alicent took the woman in. "It's been so long since we were granted the joy of your presence."

Rhaenyra had not changed very visibly in the past seven years, apart from the usual faint lines of age that came with every being with skin. She still had the Targaryen, violet eyes and the cold expression that had met Alicent every year since her marriage to the King. Alicent's eyes caught on the scare that had marred Rhaenyra's fair skin but it was hidden just as quickly as it was revealed.

"Indeed, your grace." Rhaenyra said, somewhat bitterly. "Though it does not seem my absence was missed as much as you claim as my sons and I did not seem to merit a greeting upon our arrival, even by my own daughter."

Alicent was surprised Rhaenyra even remembered her daughter.

"There was pressing business to attend to in the small council and your daughter has been quite... engaged as of late." Alicent said politely as Rhaenyra steered the conversation to her fathers illness seamlessly.

Not even questioning what Alicent meant by 'engaged.'

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"It's smaller than I remember." Lucerys said as he followed his older brother down into the training yard, the clanging of swords filling the air.

"It looks exactly the same." Jacaerys said, waving his arms in an unbothered fashion before his eyes caught on the duel happening in the centre of the yard. "Luke, come on."

The two rushed to the outskirts of a gathering crowd as they watched ser Criston duel one of silvery Targaryen hair with his Morningstar. It seemed the knight had the upper hand with his ferocious, unrelenting attack on the prince but he seemed to weave like a snake away from Criston's assault. Rhaenyra's sons became slack jawed as they watched the skill of Aemond 'one eye.'

The fight conceded with Aemond's sword tip at the throat of the knight of the kings guard to the raucous applause of the crowd surrounding them. But none applauded louder than a woman, dressed in a light green and gold dress, her hair falling to her wait with a crown of gold silver braids atop her head.

"Well done, my prince." ser Criston said when Aemond did not lower his sword. "You'll be winning tourneys in no time."

"I don't give a shit about tourneys." Aemond said, his eye lingering on the woman in green before flicking to the boys. "Nephews, have you come to train?"

The boys were saved from Aemond's one eyed gaze by guards announcing the arrival of house Velaryon. As the brunette boys whipped their heads to their current adversaries, they did not see their uncle lower his sword and stroll over to the woman his eye had not left the entire time. The woman who looked the spitting image of Daemon Targaryen.

They did not see him kiss her. They did not see him press his hands to her swollen stomach, hidden beneath the green silk. They did not see the way her eyes fell on their figures, nor did they see the prince guide her away.

One hand on her back, as always.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now