𝐱𝐯𝐢. bigger than the whole sky

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❝he was a rebel and a traitor, and you know it.

he was my brother

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Harrenhal was quiet without Aemond and it unsettled Visenya. Her children were asleep and Helaena had retreated to some far corner of the castle with Alicent to rest as a shared anxiety graced all those in the castle.

Visenya's finger circled a pint of ale as she stared into it's dregs, Alys sitting beside her as a raven crowed on the windowsill.

Alysanne Blackwood had sent a letter regarding the situation in the North. Cregan Stark had taken some convincing however it seemed Black Aly was incredibly persuasive as she would return with his forces and as his betrothed.

"Ah young love." Alys said weakly and Visenya laughed lightly. It was a rare thing to find humour in war and every moment was savoured.

"Let's hope it's not torn from them or you and Helaena." Visenya said teasingly but when she looked up from the letter to her friend who watched her with a strange expression. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing." Alys said, shaking her head lightly. "And there is nothing going on between me and Helaena, Enya."

"Of course." Visenya said knowingly as she turned back to her ale, going to re-fill her pint but Alys' hand immediately took the glass from her.

"Haven't you had enough." Alys said with a teasing tone and yet Visenya did not miss the underlying comment in her friends voice.

"Alys." Visenya said, eyes narrowing at the witch in front of her. "What's so wrong that you deny the Queen her only source of comfort in the absence of her husband?"

Alys went quiet, looking away from her friend with a thoughtful look on her face. Visenya studied her, eyes calculating.

"It's the exact absence of your husband which is why I shouldn't say." Alys said softly, hands folded in her lap.

"Tell me, I'm your friend." Visenya said kindly, reaching out and grasping her hand. And yet when Alys said nothing, Visenya's expression went cold. "No, tell me because I'm your Queen."

Alys' eyes looked up in shock and swallowed before she spoke.

"Visenya." She said, her voice grave. "Are you feeling well?"

"How do you mean?"

"I have a notion, a feeling as a woman who knows these types of things-" Alys began, mumbling slightly but Visenya forced her to meet her eyes.

"If you ever liked me at all, dear Alys." Visenya interrupted, violet eyes piercing Alys'. "You'll spit it out."

"I believe you are with child." Alys blurted out suddenly. Visenya's eyes widened and she dropped her friends hands in shock.


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Aemond's long hair whipped in his face as Vhagar tore through he storm clouds, searching for Arrax's silhouette in the rain. 

By the time he had taken off on his dragon he had realised that neither sunfyre nor his dragon were anywhere to be seen. Even from dragon back, Aemond couldn't locate the golden scaled dragon and his drunkard rider.

That had solidified his fear.

Aegon had gone after the young prince. Why? He did not know. But for his wife's sake, Aemond could not let his brother harm the boy. 

Lightning raged around him as he flew through the sky, wrestling with Vhagar's slippery reins as he guided her. In all truth, he did not care whether or not the boy died but Aemond knew there was still a tenderness in Visenya's heart for her brothers and she had made him promise there would be no bloodshed that day.

All of a sudden, the shine of golden light flickered up ahead and Aemond could hear Aegon's twisted laughter through eh rumble of the skies.

"Taoba." [boy] The usurper cried with glee as his dragon dove down upon Arrax.

Sunfyre was much bigger than the young Arrax and his rider far more experienced than Lucerys but Rhaenyra's sun seemed to put up a fight as he shouted commands for his dragon, swiftly evading Aegon's attacks.

"Aegon, keligon!" [aegon, stop] Aemond shouted and he saw briefly the flash of his brothers head as Vhagar flew above them.

"Skoros lēkia?" [what brother?] Aegon shouted as Lucerys hid between a sloping canyon of rocks that neither Sunfyre nor Vhagar could fit into due tot heir size. "Gaomas ziry daor enkagon ao se aōha līve iā gēlȳn?"[does he not owe you and your whore a debt?]

At this Aemond snarled, pulling Vhagar to crash againts Sunfyre's side and nearly toppling Aegon off in the process. Before Aemond could go after him again, Lucerys flew out of the mist. Arrax's flame bursting from his throat towards the two brothers who flew away just in time.

Aemond realised with frightening clarity that Arrax was not responding to Lucerys' commands. The three of them were not the ones fighting, it was the dragons. They had no control.

Have we ever had control? Aemond wondered as he flew behind Sunfyre and Arrax, the sun shining ahead as they flew towards it. The light that burned his eye was the very one that gave him a clear, shining view of Aegon and his sickening grin as Sunfyre flew forward.

"No!" Aemond cried but it was too late. It was always going to be too late.

Sunfyre's jaws closed around Arrax's wings, knocking the smaller dragon sideways and giving Aegon the ample opportunity to drive his dragon forward and push Lucerys off of Arrax.

And into Sunfyre's fangs.

"NO!" Aemond bellowed and Vhagar seemed to cry to, driving forward without even her riders command and lurched towards Sunfyre who ducked, blood still spraying from his jaws.

"Are you going to kill me brother?" Aegon cried from below him as he evaded Vhagar. "Branded both king and kinslayer?"

"You are not my king." Aemond roared, not unlike a dragon and Aegon gripped his reins tighter. "And you were never my brother."

Vhagar soared forward, jaws so wide she could have swallowed a ship. She could feel the rage of her rider, the rage of a thousand men and women throughout the years who had been wronged by their own blood and her own, ancient flames burst from her throat.

Charring the usurper king and his gold dragon until not even ash was left.

Aemond had just killed the king and like it or not he had just killed his brother and yet his only thoughts were of his wife.

How was he going to tell Visenya?

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now