𝐱𝐯. love will be your downfall

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❝and I'm coming home to you

with blood in my mouth

and I am coming home to you

if it's the last thing I do❞

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Visenya watched as Aemond saddled Vhagar. None of the stablemen in Harrenhal dared venture too close to the dragons and sow with lack of Dragon Keepers in Riverland's, the royal family had to do it themselves.

Alicent the younger lay cradled in her arms, her tuft of silver gold hair glowing like a halo in the early morning sun. She gurgled happily in her mothers arms although Visenya was not as joyful as the babe she held.

The Queen watched as her husband prepared himself for his quest to Storms End for Lord Borros Baratheon's loyalty to her claim. Visenya felt an unease within her, Helaena's words from days before echoing in her mind.

Blood is spilled at thunders close, blood of kin but blood of foe.

The skies were darkening, there was a storm brewing not only in Visenya's mind. She was no superstitious woman but she carried the magic of old Valyria. Nature was screaming out against this day and she was afraid.

"How are my favourite girls?" Aemond asked as he reached his wife and daughter. His gloved finger grasped eagerly by Alicent the younger. Daemond too cried out from the arms of one of Visenya's handmaidens and his father laughed. "Don't think I forgot you little prince."

Visenya watched on fondly as her husband cooed at their children. In some other life they could have this constant peace without the shadow of what was about to happen hanging above the. Some other life.

"I should come with you." Visenya said suddenly and Aemond met her eyes with confusion. "I have a bad feeling, my love."

"Do you not trust me, my Queen?" Aemond said teasingly, his hand cupping her cheek as she rolled her eyes.

"Of course I trust you." She said. "It's Aegon and Rhaenyra I do not trust, what if they were to make chase?"

Aemond smiled gently at his wife, leaning forward to kiss her forehead gently. A warmth spread through Visenya's body at the affection but that only increased the ache of her intuition.

"Then I will simply not let them catch me." He said, thumb caressing the soft skin of her cheek with a tenderness he only showed her. "I must say farewell now."

"Don't you dare." Visenya said firmly, fire flickering in her eyes and Aemond nodded with a grin.

"Well then..." Aemond said, capturing her lips in a heated kiss. She hoped he might leave a bruise from the passion of his love, merely so she might not forget how he felt on her skin.

Visenya watched as her husband took to the sky, Vhagar flying like a silhouette of the might of their claim to the throne across the sky. Balerion roared, fire bursting form his throat as he bid the dragon adieu.

The ache of foreboding did not leave Visenya for a very long time, even as the first rain began to fall. She feared it never would.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Aemond's jaw seemed unable to unclench with irritation as thunder sounded outside of the castle. Borras Baratheon was a proud man and he knew convincing the Lord of Storms End to pledge loyalty to Visenya would be hard. But he would do anything for his Queen.

"Let's make a deal here, little prince." Borras said from his seat, gesturing to the girls lines up in the corner of the gloomy hall. "Pick one of my daughters."

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now