Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    When the subtitles of the lyrics and songs disappeared, Qin Qungui's pipa sounded like a torrential rain.

    He stepped on the hurried lute and sang the lyrics.

    His lyrics are catchy, and there is a passage that makes some students in the barrage feel too insane.

    "Mathematical equations are happy, ordinary differential learning is always fun,

    functional analysis is like makeup, and signal analysis is delicious. Differential     topology

    is sweet as honey, and real variable functions are like first love


Learn, don't get entangled in quantum mechanics.

    Mathematics is simple and mathematics is easy, and mathematical analysis is an elixir of life."

    Singing here, Qin Qungui tilted his head and showed his thick silver hair to the camera.

    He stopped the accompaniment, facing the camera, and said in a dramatic voice: "Young man, do you know why you are bald?" The

    barrage said: "...Fuck it. I'm not bald!"

    Qin Qunguihui Heart smiles, orchid's fingers are upturned, and the opera is so high: "Because you don't know math~" The

    sand sculpture lyrics, coupled with the old man's serious opera, actually sings a beautiful and amazing feeling.

    Netizens were shocked: "..."

    danmaku "

    [Knock you's real variable function is like first love, this is fucking sadism!]

    [Random process helps hair growth??? I'm fucking bald relying on it!]

    [ Before I learned mathematical analysis, I thought I could live eighty years. After I learned mathematical analysis, I thought I could only live eighteen. Thank you. Smile.]


    Qin Qungui's pipa is like a gust of wind, continuous.

    The lyrics in his mouth are like The torrential rain that fell from the sky caused a dull pain in everyone's heart.

    Everyone thought they could breathe a sigh of relief.

    Qin Qungui threw the pipa in his hand, picked up the microphone and stood up, majestic, singing in rap:

    "Students make me irritable, top-notch, smart and arrogant, all of them refuse to accept my discipline."

    He sighed: "Damn. The old man is so difficult. ."

    When he sighed, his demeanor was a little naive, and he showed the demeanor of a helpless teacher to the fullest.

    It was at this moment that Qin Qungui suddenly took off his sunglasses, revealing his whole benevolent pleated face.

    He made a "Ouch" expression of [milk cat pretending to be a tiger] to the camera, pretending to be vicious, and started a rap with almost no breath for the camera:

    "Learn for me! Learn for me! Learn for me!

    Mathematics Let me learn analysis, harmonic analysis, stochastic analysis, functional analysis!

    Complex variable functions, real variable functions, teach me!

    Ordinary differential partial differential differential geometry and fractional manifold Riemannian geometry are all taught to me!"

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