Chapter 119

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Chapter 119 Fat Earth Acting

    Shen Jun, who received the task, was a little confused.

    It is too difficult to get Xiaopangtu to win the Best Actress Award.

    In the original plot that Shen Jun came into contact with through the system, Little Fat Tu won the Best Actress Award through "Sweetheart and the Wolf Cub".

    The script of "Sweetheart" is a test of acting skills. It is a warm emotional flow, and it is produced by a famous director. It is a half-family fun and half-award-winning style.

    If the young actors perform well, it is not a problem to win the best actress.

    But now, the plot has been messed up, and it's not Little Fat Tu who plays "Sweetheart and the Wolf Cub", but Cai Xinyi.

    Although "The Secret Service" is good at the box office, the little fat soil is in his true colors, and there are big coffees to accompany him, and the script itself is a popcorn-style commercial film, I am afraid it is not up to the level of winning awards.

    If Shen Jun was looking for a famous director and screenwriter to tailor an award-winning movie for Xiaopangtu, it would not be too difficult.

    But now the system limits the propositions, which makes it more difficult to win the prize. Besides, Little Fat Tu is still a four-year-old girl.     Before leaving, Chen Beibei told Shen Jun: "Jun Jun, you don't have to be afraid of that little nigger

    . This kind of thing is that when you meet the strong, you become weak, and when you meet the weak, you become strong."

He touched the little nigger's head, and said in a milky voice: "Aunt Beibei, we are not afraid of Xiaohei, Xiaohei is super cute!"

    The little black who was touched shivered: "...QAQ"

    A pair of big eyes flickered With tears in her eyes, she looked very pitiful.

    When Chen Beibei was sent away, Shang Qi and Shen Jun looked at the little nigger almost at the same time. She was so frightened that her whole body turned into barbs, and she shrank straight to the corner of the wall.

    Shen Jun said to Shang Qi, "Husband, look at your daughter and Xiao Hei. I'll go upstairs to make a phone call."


    Shang Qi watched his wife go upstairs and picked up his daughter instead.

    He held his daughter with one hand, the little nigger with one hand, put the daughter on the sofa, and threw the little nigger on the carpet.

    Little nigger: "..." Sure enough, being a bad ghost is a QAQ who has no ghost power.

    After going upstairs, Shen Jun first called a classmate in high school. Cai Xinyi research project.

    In the case of Cai Xinyi, Shen Jun provided them with a complete recording and evidence, and used a series of evidence to prove that Cai Xinyi may be an alien species.

    The classmate said on the phone: "The biopsy results have come out. At present, she is indeed from the earth, not an alien species. Moreover, she does not have any alien genes in her body. The doctor believes that this girl is a She's lying, she doesn't have metaphysical abilities at all, she's just a puppet of others."

    Due to Cai Xinyi's heaven-defying IQ and ability to predict metaphysics, everyone reasonably suspected that Cai Xinyi was an alien.

    From the perspective of researchers, all supernatural phenomena can be explained by science. Heaven-defying prodigies like Cai Xinyi are naturally classified as alien species.

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