Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 The Rising Little Ex-Husband

    The attending doctor soon arrived at the problem hut.

    After Shen Jun finished the injection, her body was relieved, and the gangster fell into a deep sleep.

    Wei Jie was also chasing the live broadcast and hurried over from the company when she saw Shen Jun's sudden illness.

    Shang Qi covered Shen Jun with the quilt, and asked the doctor, "How is she?"

    Wei Jie also looked anxious: "Sister Jun has not been ill for a long time. In the past, when there was a sign of the disease, she would ask me to accompany me for an injection. I don't know what's wrong today, but you have endured it until now?" The

    doctor whispered, "Did Miss Shen stay up late?"

    When it came to this, Wei Jie said, "Yes! When the boss left the business, he didn't take anything with him. , also suffered from a serious illness. After recovering from the serious illness, Xiangyi company poached our company's ace actor, and took away more than 20 trainees."

    "Not only that, sister Jun was also faced with being expelled by the landlord for renting a house . Going out... Since Sister Jun was hacked by the whole network, the company even the cleaning aunt resigned and left, almost becoming an empty shell. In order to bring the company back to life, Sister Jun signed an artist herself. Oh, by the way, the song that grandpa sang on stage "The White Sailboat" is the word that Sister Jun changed herself."

    "Also, in order to hold Cai Xiaoya, Sister Jun also lost a lot of effort. This show was also planned by Sister Jun."

    "In short, Sister Jun For the sake of the company, she is exhausted. Her old illness relapsed, probably because she was overworked."

    Speaking of this, Wei Jie felt distressed.

    Netizens in the live broadcast room thought it was incredible:

    [Jun Junzi is so versatile! Even changing the lyrics! What else she can't do! 】

    【Jun Junzi is too good! Jun Junzi is indeed a graduate of the veteran 985! 】

    【A woman who can marry a wealthy family is really awesome! If you are not a canary, you can still have a career, awesome! ]

    [So, Jun Junzi has the current achievements, and it has nothing to do with the business? It's all created by her.]

    Shang Qi frowned, he didn't expect Shen Jun to go through so much recently.

    I can instantly understand why Shen Jun has been so angry with her since he appeared on the show.

    He was useless, he didn't appear when he should have appeared.

    After all, it is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to give charcoal in the snow.

    When Shen Jun needed someone to help him the most, he was not there.

    He could even imagine how isolated the girl had been in the first place.

    Shang Qizhi stood there blankly, clenching his fists, thinking that he was especially ridiculous.

    Shen Jun was in so much pain just now, but he actually called her "old lover" and "old woman with two knives" in anger, deliberately angering her.

    It was only now that Shang Qi realized how naive and ridiculous he was.

    The doctor said, "Miss Shen is fine for now. You should take her to the hospital for observation for one night."

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