Chapter 88

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Chapter 88 Get Rich Talk Show

    After being beaten up by his ex-wife, Shang Qi realized that the devil boy in his stomach was probably hungry.

    At twelve o'clock in the morning, Shang Qi went outside to buy food for his wife in home clothes and slippers.

    Although the villa area they live in is remote, there are 24-hour convenience stores and supermarkets outside the villa, and the surrounding facilities are readily available.

    Shang Qi thought that at this time, there should be no one in the 24-hour convenience store.

    Unexpectedly, he met Mr. Wen in a convenience store supermarket.

    Mr. Wen wore a mask and carried a basket of aunt's towels in his hand.

    Shang Qi was wearing a hoodie with a hood buttoned on his head, holding eight cabbage buns and four cups of soy milk in his left hand. The right hand is carrying 4 chicken legs and 4 braised pig trotters, plus a box of oden, four seaweed rice, and two sweet glutinous corn.

    Shang Qi: "Yo. Mr. Wen. You have already moved here?"

    He heard Shen Jun say two days ago that Mr. Wen brought Kong Que and his daughter into the villa area in order to make it easier for their little sisters to play.

    Mr. Wen gave a "um", glanced at the food in his hand, and said lightly: "Buy supper for my wife."

    He also heard Kong Que remark that Shen Jun ate a lot after being pregnant, and Shang Qi almost every day They would all come out to buy supper for Shen Jun.

    The two looked at each other, with the illusion of a "difficult brother in difficulty".

    Neither of them was in a hurry to go home, but sat down at the convenience store bar.

    Shang Qi, who is 18 years old, can't smoke yet.

    When Shen Jun had his first child, Shang Qi quit smoking at the age of 25, and his body had no need for cigarettes.

    Mr Wen has also recently quit smoking.

    But in such a late night, it always felt a little strange that there was no such operation as handing the other party a cigarette.

    Shang Qi bought two lollipops and handed one to Mr. Wen.

    So, the two men just sat on the bar stool in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, using sugar as smoke, each holding a lollipop, looking out the window with emotion.

    After chatting with each other for a while, Shang Qi asked him, "Listen to Shen Jun, you've been spending more time with your wife and daughter at home recently, and you're not going to work?"

    The lollipop in his mouth rolled to the side, and a puff in his left cheek was swollen. Bao: "Aren't you the same?"

    Shang Qi looked proud: "I'm different, I can bite the old man." The

    calm and reserved Mr. Wen and Shang Qi immediately exposed the childishness of the man.

    He glanced at him and said coldly: "You are still very proud of the old man?"

    Shang Qi said righteously: "The old man is also a capital, why not be proud?"


    Mr. Wen was speechless for a while, the lollipop in his mouth Rolling over to the right cheek, he also puffed up a bag: "My daughter is a learning genius, and she will skip to junior high school next year, so I don't need to worry too much. Kong Que has been too busy recently, and business is really not busy this season, so I will spend more time with me. Accompany her."

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