Chapter 90

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Chapter 90 The Unspoken Rules of Getting Rich

    Wei Jie received a transfer from Shen Jun, and immediately took the money and started advertising it to Qi Hao.

    However, all the drafts she prepared were suppressed and not released, and she planned to release it together after the show was broadcast, and it broke out in an instant.

    Wei Jie had already had Qi Hao and other beggars' mobile phones confiscated, and repeatedly ordered them not to see negative news on the Internet.

    Afterwards, Wei Jie spent money on other platforms to buy advertisements for "The Beggar's Apocalypse", and Lan Yu issued a statement calling on everyone not to bully other people online because of him, which made "The Beggar's Apocalypse" popular Watch subscriptions pick up.

    Early on Monday morning, Shen Jun and Shang Qi went to the hospital for an obstetric examination.

    Recently, Shen Jun has been losing weight. The doctor said, "Everything is normal, and the baby's development is good. At present, there is no problem with my mother. If you are worried, you can usually pay more attention to your diet. Don't be afraid of getting fat, you should eat and drink. Drink. Miss Shen, how many meals do you eat a day? If possible, from the regular three meals to four meals."

    Shen Jun: "Oh, I eat six meals a day." The

    doctor was stunned and said again: "You This is not good! Eating less and more meals is the way to lose weight. You can’t do this when you are pregnant. You must eat more and eat enough nutrition.”

    Shen Jun: “No, I must have two pounds of meat in each meal, six meals a day. "

    Shang Qi added: "It weighs four pounds at night."

    Doctor: "???" He

    looked at the two with a confused look, and "You are making fun of me".

    Doctor: "No way?"

    Shen Jun looked at the doctor seriously: "Doctor, don't you believe me? I can show you four pounds of meat on the spot!"

    After saying that, her eyes fell on the doctor's lunch box , his eyes locked on the two shiny chicken legs, and he just happened to show hungry wolf-like eyes everywhere, and licked the corners of his lips.

    The doctor quickly protected his lunch box, took off the lid and closed it, put it in the drawer and said, "If this is the case, Miss Shen's body is indeed abnormal, so I suggest to observe it for another week. Admission to the hospital for observation."

    After coming out of the doctor's office, Shen Jun and Shang Qi had already started to select the VIP ward, planning to book the room in advance.

    They were taken by the nurse through Ward 406. Because the door of the room was open, they saw Xiang Yi lying inside with a big belly.

    She was lying on the hospital bed watching TV, gulps of food into her mouth.

    Aunt Xiang Yi scolded her next to her: "Eat, eat, look how fat you are? Eat! How can you get married in the future?"

    Xiang Yi snorted coldly, "I don't need to get married. , in two weeks, my baby will be born, and at that time, my baby will become a veritable heir to the Kang family."

    She is not only fat, but also has acne-prone, sallow skin, pit after pit on her face , Because it has just been picked, there is even pus and blood flowing out of the acne.

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