Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 The Rising Little Couple

    Netizens in the barrage said everything, and some even said:

    [Let's talk about Lin Zhen, who will buy a bag for his ex-wife? To tell the truth, as far as Wu Fei likes to buy bags, Lao Lin will go bankrupt no matter how much money he makes. I feel like that's one of the reasons they broke up. ]


    The recording of the program continued, Xiao Yue went to clean up the overturned oil pan, and when she touched the pan, she was conditioned reflexively to shrink her hands.

    It's not a big deal, it's just a mental reflex.

    However, Cen Sheng brought the wet rag over, grabbed the pot first, and took it to the sink to clean it.

    His temperament is slow, and his world-weary cold face seems to have no interest in anything.

    Fans all know that Cen Sheng is a ruthless and vicious-tongued person who is on reality shows and especially likes to hate people.

    But in the past, Cen Sheng and Xiao Yue were on the show together, but their personalities were completely different. He looked at Xiao Yue with warm eyes, and he would say love words to her in a gentle tone.

    This contrast makes netizens feel that Cen Sheng is an excellent boyfriend. Coupled with Xiao Yue and Cen Sheng's childhood sweethearts, they are also very good, and netizens eat sugar until their teeth become soft.

    But at this moment, Cen Sheng and Xiao Yue were like strangers.

    While washing the pot, the man said coldly: "Since you have grown a brain, you should move more. Someone in front of you almost had an accident, do you want to do it again?"

    Xiao Yue: "??"

    I'm special.

    I wanted to give this ex a blast on the spot.

    So how did she get along with this kind of person?


    [Fuck, here we come, the cub's poisonous tongue is here! He came, he came, he came with a poisonous tongue! ]

    [Hahahaha it's really cool to hear my cub hate Xiao Yue! Bitchy woman, you don't cherish the cub who loves you so much, you have to break up! You deserve to be beaten by me! 】

    [My cub scolded her! ! Don't be merciless! ]

    [Enough of Cen Sheng's fans, the breakup of the two is definitely not a problem for one person, why do you give all the pot to our family Yueyue? ]

    [+1. Cen Sheng's fans are so disgusting, why should you throw the blame on Yueyue? Do you know what's going on in private? Can't Yueyue be the one who was dumped! ? ]


    Cen Sheng and Xiao Yue have equal career achievements, but fans of male stars have always been scarier and more sticky than fans of female stars.

    Since Cen Sheng and Xiao Yue broke up, Cen Sheng has been out of business, and his fans have made up a lot of things.

    In addition, for the sake of traffic, the marketing account used all means to spread rumors that the two broke up because the woman proposed.

    Cen Sheng's fans focused all their firepower on Xiao Yue.

    Fans on both sides tore up, and the marketing account was happy to see it succeed.

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