Chapter 67

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Chapter 67 The Bankrupt Assistant

    The news on the Internet about the withdrawal and release of "Skins" and "Mr. Repair" exploded on the Internet, and Shen Jun was pushed to the hot spot of discussion.

    Originally, everyone was still sighing that Shen Jun stumbled and made a mistake in judgment once.

    As a result, at this time, a marketing account was exposed:

    "According to Shen Jun's company employees, it turned out that "Skin" and "Mr. Repair" were both invested by Kang Yuan. It is said that Xiang Yi also invested in several films similar to these two films. It is "Hours of Light" and "The World" that are being announced. Gong Jia and Miao Chi are also forced into "Skin" and "Mr. Repair". Originally Shen Jun did not agree, but Gong Jia and Miao Chi were paid zero salary, He has his own screenwriting team again, so Shen Jun compromised." As soon as

    this exposure came out, the trend of the Internet changed immediately——

    [What's the situation? Is this what Kang Yuan meant by deliberately paying for Shen Jun's reputation? ]

    [I went to the next door to post anonymously and ate melons, probably to figure out what it means, let me give you some popular science. To put it simply - Xiang Yi followed the trend and invested in several movies of similar style, but for the market share of the movie, Kang Yuan invested money in Shen Jun, and let two out-of-date actors play Shen Jun's movies, and also entrained private life. With a screenwriter, blind and barren change. 】

    【I don't understand very well, why did Kang Yuan spend money on Shen Jun? Wouldn't it be more fragrant to give Xiang Yi the money directly to make a movie? 】

    【Ha ha. Xiang Yi knows to follow the trend, what she makes is like shit, can she make a ghost? Kang Yuan invested in Shen Jun, obviously to make Shen Jun's project stink, so as to open the way for his wife's project! 】

    【Damn, I understand! ! Kang Yuan didn't want to make money, but just to open the way for his wife, so that she would have a little self-confidence on the road of starting a business, so that she wouldn't be hit too badly? I rely on? What kind of fairy and wealthy love is this? I am sour. 】

    【Sour your mother! So disgusting, okay? Jun Junzi's reputation as an immortal has been ruined by them, and the two of them stink! 】

    [Smells +1, one is for the reputation of our Junjunzi, and the other is plagiarizing our Junjunzi's mentality to get hers, so the stench comes together! Really, not a family, do not enter a family! stench stench! ]


    Shen Jun originally thought that these two films would not bring much help to her bankruptcy career.

    But she did not expect that a week later, Wei Jie and Ruan Luo would resign with her because of this.

    Seeing the resignation reports submitted by Wei Jie and Ruan Luo at the same time, Shen Jun expressed very puzzled.

    She asked: "Is my salary low? Or am I being too strict with you? Xiao Wei, Xiao Ruan, I hope you think clearly. If it's a salary issue, I think I can double it for you. "

    Shen Jun just switched to bankruptcy strategy, and the two resigned at this time, which obviously did some harm to her company's development.

    Wei Jie has been having the same dream these days, which is very real.

    She dreamed that the company was gradually going bankrupt under her leadership.

    Because of its own mistakes, the company fell into a huge public opinion. What this public opinion is, I didn't make it clear in the dream.

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