Chapter 56

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Chapter 56 The Bankrupt Ex-Husband

    When the village chief came back down the mountain, he saw a long queue at the door of Daniu Zhang's house at the end of the village.

    Some people are holding eggs, some people are holding their daughters, some people are holding a homestead book, and some people are holding some kind of agreement.

    The village chief squeezed the cigarette pipe into the crowd and asked, "What's going on here?"

    A woman holding a little girl said, "Village chief. You usually receive tourists who come to the village. You make a fortune alone. Now we also have a way to make a fortune, so don't try to stop it." The

    village chief frowned, craned his neck to look in, and saw that the yard was crowded with "Dear Worker" staff.

    All women.

    The men in the program group were all blocked outside the village house.

    In order to make it easier for the villagers to wait, the staff set up benches and tables outside for everyone to drink tea and rest.

    Shang Qi, Mr. Wen, and Kang Yuan served as "waiters" and were responsible for serving tea and water to the villagers.

    There are not enough female staff in the program group, Kong Que, Chen Beibei, and Tang Hongying help in the village house.

    Xiang Yihe Kangyuan was sent to distribute propaganda to other villagers.

    Wei Jie has acquired 15 rural houses, whether it is a homestay or a school, there is enough space.

    Shen Jun stood at the door with a loudspeaker and shouted:

    "Hello everyone, we are the "Dear Jealousy" program group, and now our program group has launched a female honor program. There are girls in the family, no matter their age, as long as they come to register, they will be rewarded 200 yuan. If there is a little girl over 8 years old, you can come and sign a contract with us. As long as the parents agree to not take the initiative to ask the girl to take a penny, we will give the parents 100,000 at one time. "

    Don't miss it when you pass by. Anyone who wants to come can come here. Girls are the sky, girls are the earth, and girls are the most beautiful gift from God to the world! They deserve the best things! Come on, give girls a good road and pass by." Don't miss it!" The

    live broadcast barrage:

    【Is it illegal to buy and sell girls? ]

    [Shen Jun, this is not a business! She just rescued these girls, her contract does not restrict the girls' personal freedom, she restricts those dog parents. To draw a key point, Shen Jun's contract said that parents would not take the initiative to ask girls for money, but girls could take the initiative to take money from their parents. 】

    【Yes, I also noticed this point. If these girls are popular and promising in the future, and these parents want to extort money, Shen Jun's company can come forward and ask these parents to compensate, so as to prevent the parents from sucking the blood of the girls. ]     [This is not bad. If some parents had to send the girls to Shen Jun's company because of family conditions, it would be understandable. People are not cold-blooded animals. If they have feelings for girls, the girls should also be grateful and take the initiative to give money to their parents. After all, Shen Jun's contract does not restrict girls from giving money to their parents. ]     [666666, Jun Junzi is doing charity in disguise. ]     [Worry about Jun Junzi, raising such a girl, will it really not go bankrupt? QAQ]     [+1, I am also worried about this problem. 】    The ancient village is not big.     As soon as the news spread, every family came here to "sell" their daughters to get money.     The village     chief found a seat and sat down. Just after taking a sip of tea, Mr. Wen walked over with a teapot and whispered, "Sorry, the seats here are only for women. Please get up and squat over there and wait." Chang looked in the direction of Mr. Wen's fingers, and saw a row of waiting men squatting in the shade of the village house.     Only then did he realize that the people sitting in the pergola tea seat were all women.     In the village, men are always superior to women. Shen Jun not only let a group of female staff members "enter the room", but also ordered men to serve tea and water here, and even asked men to squat there and wait.     The village chief has been connoted, and he is furious and slaps the table: "You are discriminating!"

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