Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 Rising Little Girl

    The river bank here is controlled by people, and the program "Why We Have to Break Up" was recorded here, and the control of the flow of people is more strict. The people who come here to watch the fireworks are all heads and faces.

    Twenty minutes ago.

    After Kang Yuan finished socializing, he passed the scene of the fireworks event and saw the crowd of people on the river bank through the car window. Inexplicably, he thought of Shen Jun.

    He was a little drunk, so he asked the driver to pull over to stop the car, and wanted to go down and blow the river wind to sober up.

    Kang Yuan got off the car with only a female assistant, and this female assistant was not pure in her mind, and had long wanted to find an opportunity to start.

    The sister of the female assistant was attacked for confessing to Kang Yuan, and finally committed suicide.

    She lurked around Kang Yuan for many years before she found this opportunity.

    So, when Kang Yuan arrived by the river, the female assistant pushed him down.

    Kang Yuan can't know water, plus drunk, thumping in the river.

    The upper stream of the river is not rushing because the gate is not open, and some people even swim in the river during the day.

    But this depth, coupled with the unclear light at night, was fatal to Kang Yuan.

    Seeing that Kang Yuan was swept away by the water, the female assistant began to call for help.

    At the same time, Shang Qi, who was kicked down the river, saw a thumping head floating down from the upper stream.

    Shang Qi thought that Shen Jun kicked him into the water for revenge.

    Seeing the man who fell into the water at this moment, only then did he understand Shen Jun's intention for kicking him into the water.

    The lover is so kind and quick to respond.

    After Shen Jun kicked Shang Qi into the water, he calmly asked the show team to prepare bath towels and other items: "Prepare bath towels, and then prepare a set of clothes for Shang Tutu."

    The staff on the side: "..."

    Live broadcast The barrage:

    [I rely on me! Shen Jun's operation is awesome! I'm cool! 】

    【Shuang Shuang Shuang! Shen Jun finally got his revenge! Watch the business land and soil travel in the river in summer. ]

    [The business land is so awesome, you can still travel in winter! 666666]

    [Hahahaha, it is really good to travel in the Yangtze River in the winter, and it deserves to be kicked into the water by Jun Junzi hahahaha]

    [Am I the only one who thinks that Shen Jun is doing this too much? Life is at stake, how could she kick someone into the water? ]


    [+1, I suddenly don't like Shen Jun anymore, the business land is so pitiful. You don't want me, the business land is mine! 】

    Shen Jun took the bath towel and clothes from the staff, and was about to welcome his ex-husband's land and land when he saw that his ex-husband had brought up a half-dead man.

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