Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 Rising Little Milk Dog

    Li Lingyao's dance steps were very clumsy, and she was unable to stabilize until halfway through the dance.

    She lowered her head and began to step on Zhang Jianguo's feet, the more she stepped, the happier she became, like a child.

    She laughed "squeaky" and kept saying, "little coward, little coward."

    Zhang Jianguo let her step on for a while, and looked at her with tears streaming down his face.

    As if sensing his emotions, Li Lingyao squatted down, lay on the ground, and blew at Zhang Jianguo's instep.

    He took a sip and looked up at him again, like a child who did something wrong, as if asking him if it hurt.

    Zhang Jianguo wiped his tears and helped his wife up: "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, I don't hurt."

    She helped Li Lingyao back to the wheelchair, patted her ashes on her body, and took a wet tissue to wipe her hands.

    The old man spoke very patiently: "Yaoyao, you can't lie on the ground, do you know Dirty?"

    Li Lingyao tilted her head and looked at him stupidly, not understanding what he was saying.

    Seeing this, not only Shen Junchen burst into tears, but so did the netizens in the live broadcast room.

    [Crying wow, so sad. Grandpa Jianguo and Grandma Lingyao are really cruel and sweet. 】

    【It is not easy to grow old together, hey. 】

    【In this lifetime, this time is too short to prove the deep affection of melting ice and snow, nor the love of Jianguo Grandpa. ]

    [Shen Jun and Shang Qi's ensemble is so immortal, it makes me cry. 】


    The guests and the chartered wife started to eat.

    As a charter wife, Chen Que began to dig deeper into the story behind Zhang Jianguo and Li Lingyao.

    Zhang Jianguo fed Li Lingyao porridge while talking about their past.

    The happier he talked about, the more breathless Shen Jun cried, "huchihuchi".

    Chen is very good at digging out the deepest emotions in people's hearts. She dug out the things in the old man's heart little by little, kneaded them into a fireball, and smashed them violently on everyone's heart.

    Not only the members of the live film crew, but also the netizens in the live broadcast room burst into tears:

    [Really, the show "I Score" is really well done. Chen Que, what kind of fairy host is this? Shen Jun, please open a column program for her, it's called "Chen But You Have an Appointment"]

    [Chen Que is really amazing, not only can he arrange the plot of the show, but he is also excellent as a host. 】

    【Treasure host, what kind of treasure girl is Jun Jun? Signed are treasures! 】

    Dinner ends at half past nine.

    Zhang Jianguo pushed his wife to take a walk outside to watch the stars.

    Shang Qi still has work, so he has to go back to his room early to deal with his work.

    Shen Jun has been worrying about the bankruptcy of the show for the past few days and is exhausted.

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