chapter 11

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chapter 11

    When these big guys posted Weibo, the whole network exploded.

    Xiang Yi got out of the show, went back to the RV to rest, and while eating the bird's nest delivered by the assistant, asked, "Is "Brother Riding the Wind and Waves" already broadcast? That old grandfather from Shen Jun's house, how are the topics arranged?" The

    assistant wanted to He stopped talking, not daring to go on.

    Seeing her expression, Xiang Yi wondered: "What's the matter? Why is this expression?" The

    assistant didn't know what to say, so he simply started from the beginning: "In order to make this matter bigger, we also specifically asked the Navy to broadcast it on the live broadcast. I bought 5 seconds to clear the screen."

    "5 seconds?" Xiang Yi frowned and put down the bird's nest cup in his hand: "Xiaocheng, do you think I can't afford more money or what? 5 seconds? I don't know how much. How many seconds do you want to buy? After 5 seconds of live broadcast on the public screen, it will be gone after a swipe, how can this bring enthusiasm?" The

    assistant blushed and continued: "Although we only bought 5 seconds to clear the screen, but some strange netizens smashed it. After spending 500,000 yuan to clear the screen, black Shen Jun is too much to say."

    "Who is it?"

    She can only think of Kang Yuan who can spend 500,000 yuan to help her black Shen Jun.

    Thinking of Kang Yuan doing so much for her silently, it is fake not to be moved, and the corners of his lips are raised sweetly.

    The assistant saw that his boss suddenly laughed, his whole body shivered, and he didn't dare to say any more.

    Xiang Yi can make up his mind, the effect of the 500,000 clear screen is dark, coupled with the power of his own public relations marketing, how much harm will Qin Qungui do.

    The assistant wanted to continue talking, but she took out her phone and interrupted, "You don't need to say it, I'll read it myself."

    As soon as she opened Weibo, she was dumbfounded.

    Qin Qungui occupied four of the top ten hot searches on Weibo.

    #Academician Qin Qungui participated in the draft, and the song of mathematics brainwashed netizens#

    # Qinghuadi's great grievances are not settled, and it is suspected that he has formed a group of black old professors#

    #mathbrainwashing divine song#

    #Grandpa gave me my original debut! #

    Several industry leaders posted Weibo for the professor, proving the identity of Emperor Qin Qun as a great professor, and netizens all over the net were shocked.

    Under the first hot search, comment:

    [Fuck you are awesome, no wonder Shen Jun bought a house and showed off his wealth. It turns out that he signed such an awesome artist in private? Big Goose estimated that in order to invite grandpa to record the show, he gave Shen Jun a lot of money in private! 】

    【My mother asked me why I was on my knees and swiping Weibo? Are talent shows so awesome? ]

    [I'm tired of reading and doing my homework. I'm going to be told to learn mathematics while watching a talent show. I'm crying. 】

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