Chapter 108

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Chapter 108

    In order to let Lao Hei's "storm" come unhindered, Shen Jun solemnly pulled all his friends, family members, and even a few well-connected artists into the group.

    Shen Jun said in the group:

    [My relatives, I am here to announce something. In the future, after our company goes public, it may face huge external attacks. Don't panic, don't be afraid, please believe me! 】

    【In the future, no matter what crisis the company encounters, don't take action, let it be, and don't do anything that loses money. @青港兰玉@奇豪, I know you have money, and you have invested a lot of money in Xingyi, you believe me, as long as you don’t take action in this crisis, I will make Xingyi the largest entertainment company in China ! In the future, no Chinese film and television company will be able to match me. ]

    [@wei jie@ruanluo, the two backbones of the company, this storm may be very big, you hold on! Believe me, get through it, I will make Xingyi the largest film and television company in China! ]

    [@Laoshang@Laotang , Mom and Dad, any disturbances in Xingyi this time are my strategy, you must not interfere! Once you intervene, it may lead to the collapse of my plan! 】

    Everyone looked at the news in the group and fell into silence.

    Could it be that Shen Jun plans to do something big next?

    Because Shen Jun used to be frail and sickly, even though she was pregnant, her body recovered just like a normal person. However, Shang Jian and Tang Ying have seen Shen Jun's tossing recently.

    She works hard, and even takes her children to the recording of the show.

    Shang Jian and Tang Ying were sincerely worried that her body would collapse.     [Shang Jian]: "Good girl, don't work too hard. If it's really hard work in the company, go home. Dad

    will work for a few more years to support you, so I won't starve you."

Take care of you."

    [Cai Xiaoya]: "So why does the boss want Aite me? Is the boss showing off my god-in-law to me? Woohoo, woohoo, I'm crying!"

    [Wei Jie]: "The boss shows off the god-in-law 1."

    [Qi Hao]: "@Cai Xiaoya, my sister is worthy of me, if you marry me, you can also have a god-in-law! My brother is waiting for you. (shy)"

    [Lan Yu] : "@Wei Jie, if you think about me, you can also have god-in-laws. (The eldest brother is the father and the eldest sister-in-law is the mother)"

    [Ruan Luo]: "...I suspect that everyone in this group is showing affection , but I have no evidence and no reason."

    Bai Yufei was bombarded by the group news, and immediately sent Shen Jun: "Jimei, it doesn't matter if there is no god-in-law or god-like husband, Jimei promises to support you for a lifetime."

    Shen Jun helped her separate from Kang Yuan . After reaching 50% of the property, she should be raised for a lifetime.

    Everyone in the group cried with envy, but did not dare to speak.

    This is the group of sister-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law.

    Seeing the news in the group, Kong Que was also angrily, and complained to her husband: "Shen Jun is too much, she actually went behind my back to be with other women! I am her sister, and she actually got involved with Bai Yufei! Nasty, I'm so mad at me, I'm so mad at me!"

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